CHAPTER XVI - The High Priestess

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"She...she's the High Priestess of Amarna!" people are yelling in awe.

" she's the chosen successor?" Cyno is pondering in shock.

Thalia kneels down next to the child, supporting his head with her arms. 

"He's got high fever. Luxor, bring me my bag!" 

"Yes, my lady." Luxor runs to the tent, and quickly emerges back with her bag in his mouth.

"Thank you, Lux!" she quickly reveals a little bottle filled with a strange, shiny, golden liquid and proceeds to pour half of its content onto her golden Ankh amulet. The Ankh rises up above the child, hovering and shining brightly. Thalia places her hands above the boy's chest, closing up her eyes and taking deep breaths. She looks intensely focused. The golden light emanating from her Ankh pours to her hands, as she transmits it to the child's body. The entire procedure takes about 10 minutes. People are watching silently. Finally, the child stops convulsing.

"The spirits have calmed down." the princess announces.

People are all breathing in relief, clapping their hands. 

"Lord Kusanali has directed her merciful gaze towards us!"

Without a word, Thalia takes the child in her arms and walks towards his mom.

"Where is your tent? He needs to rest now."

"This way." the woman leads the way to the tent. 

Once they arrive, Thalia lays the little boy on the cushions, caressing his head. 

"He's healed now, right? He's not possessed anymore? He won't cause any more trouble?" the mom is desperately asking. 

Thalia keeps quiet for a while, as if thinking of a proper response. 

"Not yet. This incantation was just to alleviate his struggling. As I've explained, I need time until tomorrow evening to prepare the ceremony."

"I see...please, hurry up! I cannot take this any longer!"

"I will do my best, don't worry." Thalia smiles reassuringly, while she gets up in order to leave the tent. 

As soon as she gets out of the tent, she's bombarded with numerous requests for help...

"Lady Priestess, please, help me with my produce!"

"Lady Priestess, can you do a spell to help me attract more clients?"

"Lady Priestess, can you heal my leg?"

Thalia freezes, unable to utter any word. Her eyes are big, as if she's standing in shock. She gets flustered and confused, as the surroundings start to spin before her eyes. The voices of the people, all coming close to her, are becoming intertwined in her head, forming a chaotic noise. She puts her hand on her head, starting to feel a headache emerging.

"My lady, are you feeling alright?" Luxor asks, worried. 

She is not responding. 

Suddenly, Cyno appears and stands right in front of her, with his authoritarian stance, holding up his spear. People are starting to back off. 

"Scram! Can't you see the woman is in no shape to respond to your queries?" his intense gaze sends shivers down people's spines. They all start to depart, frightened. 

"Oh, look! The hero is here. At least his blood-curdling mug is useful occasionally." Luxor ironizes the General. 

"I heard that." Cyno turns his gaze to the cat. 

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