Imagine #33 (Harry/Mixei)

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#imagine (personal for micsstyles)

Harry's POV:

"I can't believe you!" I yelled

"What the hell did I do?!"

"You just went out with my best friend and don't tell me?!"

"What's wrong with that?! It's not like we slept together!!"

"How do I know that?!"

"Oh my god, Harry! You think I cheated on you with your best mate?!"

"What else should I think!"

"I don't know maybe he asked to take me for a few drinks since you've been in a shitty mood lately!"

"Me?! You're the one coming back at 2am!"

"Because I'm having fun! Try it Harry!"

"Jesus! At least when I have fun I'm with people I know not a bunch of sweaty drunk guys grinding on!"

"Are you calling me a slut?!"

"I never-"

"Why don't you just say it Harry?! You hate me! You wish you would've never known me!"

"I never-"

"Don't say that! You fucking yell at me about everything because you can't do it yourself!"

"Fuck you! I can't do anything?! I'm the one paying the fucking bills for this place because you can't keep a decent job!" She started crying

"Fine, bye Harry" and she walked out. Just like that. Why am I such an ass? I need a damn filter for this mouth.

* * * *

Mixei's POV:

Months have passed and it's carnival time

My friend said she has to take me. I don't like the carnival anymore. Harry took me every year for almost 6 years and I haven't seen him in almost 6 months.

"Hey Mixei, will you go get a lemonade?"

"Why can't you?"

"C'mon, my feet hurt"

"So do mine"


"Ugh! Fine"

I got up and waited 20 minutes in line for a dumb lemonade.

"Hi beautiful, I'm Harry" there was that smile I missed


"You got anyone here today? Friend? Boyfriend? Husband?"


"Oh, did your boyfriend set her up to bring you to this exact lemonade stand?"

"I guess she did" I smiled at his mischevious grin

"So what can I get you?"

"Just a lemonade" I said handing him the money. "It's on the house babe" he pushed the money back to me again.

He told someone else to make it.

"So where is your boyfriend?" He asked leaning over the counter that is much higher than me

"I don't know, we broke up a while ago"

"Oh, well he's a shitty boyfriend for belt waking up with you"

"I think I broke up with him"

"Then he doesn't deserve you if he let a girl like you go"

"You know what they say, let her go and if it's meant to be she'll come back" I smiled

"I'm off in about 10, how bout me and you just walk around for a while? Get to know each other"

"That sounds fun Harry"

He's such a goof but I really do love him.

(MOSTLY) Harry Styles ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now