I feel like I've known you for years // 2

81 4 2

I'm awoken by a loud knock on the door. The sun shining through the window into my eyes blinding me. I hear the shuffling of sheets above and near me followed by a groan. I pulled myself up at the alerting sound readying my sword to charge.
"No, ___! That's the maid!" Beomgyu sits himself up on his bed and shoved his hand toward me, I turn my eye to him before turning my head fully.
"Huh.. Sorry." I put down my sword and I turn back to the door. I open it. I see a fair lady with her delicate fingers wrapped around a tray with food. A breakfast fit for a prince.
"Prince Beom- Oh? Do I know you?" She raises her eyebrow.
"No. I'll take it to him. Don't worry about it." I take the tray from her and she stays staring at me confused, she shrugs it off.
"Okay then... Thank you?" She says and slams the door. I turn back to him and set it on his bed, and I eye the generous amount of food.
"Do you really finish all this..? Seems like a lot for a little guy." I ask.
"They give me more then I need." He pokes at his food with his fork and shoves it into his mouth. His cheeks puff up before he swallows his omelette piece. He eyes me then the food.
"Why, you want some?" He asks and gestures his hand toward a second fork for me.
"No. Can't eat in the morning. Makes me feel like I'm gonna vomit. Enjoy your food, though. It looks great." I turned to face the wall, sitting on his bed and spacing out, in the corner of my eye, I see him staring at me. He's stuffing his face as much as he can in order to not waste their hard work. Wow, Prince 'I don't want to know you, I don't want to be friends with you' Choi Beomgyu being considerate? Rare occurrence. I don't fully believe this 'I don't care' act. Even through all the big boy talk, I know deep inside he is dying to make friends. I know he cares. I see right through him, and I think he's starting to realize it and give in. But I swear, one second he's blushing and covering his face, the next when I compliment him he screams at me? Pick Choi Beomgyu, pick. Are we friends or not?

He pushes his tray aside and steps on his carpet. He slides his slippers on and my attention draws back to him, outside of my thoughts. I get off the bed and follow him, he's walking towards his walk-in closet. I grab the clothes I'd prepared the other day off his table and continue following him. He stops inside and leaves the door open, before he pulls off his shirt so suddenly and searches through his drawer. I turn my head immediately, I wasn't expecting it.. Then I turn back. The large scar still there on his back, and he'd never explained it. It's fine. He doesn't have to. After all, he 'doesn't want to know me, be friends with me, or talk to me.' I stare back at the door frame, waiting for him to finish. He leaves the walk-in closet through the door frame infront of me, like yesterday. This time he's wearing something more lively. A white t-shirt, black arm and leg warmers, and black shorts. A better look then yesterday when we went out. I take my back off the door frame and he fills the spot I left so I could change. I turn to go inside and halfway pulling off my shirt, I turn my eye behind me and notice him staring. I ignore it. He's probably.. spacing out or something? He wouldn't do that. But still eyeing him with the corner of my eye, continuing pulling off my shirt, his eyes follow it, and I see him turn his head to the other side with painted cheeks. Maybe.. just.. um.. I don't have an explanation.

I finish changing my clothes and I nod at him as we leave together. I follow him from behind, he'd made it clear he didn't like me. Barely any armor but still a sword on my back incase anything happens, my back still strong and used to the feeling of it. I could handle it. Walking through these halls and doorways, complex and amazing designs everywhere. If only I lived like this. We stood at the large gate we'd seen yesterday and stepped out, this time, a group of people stand outside. All of the men with defined features wave their hands at me as if they knew me, but I'd only recognized them when I got close.
"__!!" One of the men put their hands together infront of his face and screamed. It's Yeonjun and the rest.
"Oh! Hi guys.. I wasn't expecting to see you!" I waved back.
"How'd you find me?" I asked.
"Your mom told us you were working here! We thought we'd stop by to tease you." Kai says. Beomgyu eyes me then them, and he opens his mouth to speak.
"__, who are they?" He asks me. The group of 4 look at him, then each other.
"Beomgyu? Prince Choi Beomgyu?? She didn't tell us you'd be with him.. I thought you were just a knight?" Taehyun says in disbelief. He sticks his hand out over the gate to greet his beloved prince, and Beomgyu shakes it.
"Um. Hi, I guess.. I'd introduce myself but I think you know who I am.." Beomgyu says to them.
"Its Taehyun! Kang Taehyun." He says excitedly.
"I'm Kai! Huening Kai!" He says happily.
"I'm Soobin..!"
"Yeonjun." They'd all introduced themselves. Kai opens his mouth to speak then closes it, before rethinking his decision and speaking unapologetically.
"You think you'd let us in to hang out?" He asks.
"Kai!" Soobin shouts and wacks him on the head. Beomgyu's eyes light up. I think it's because he doesn't get to hang out with people a lot.
"Y-Yeah!" He says so excitedly he stutters. They all look at him after hitting Kai playfully and laughing, now with a straight face.
"Wait, seriously?" Kai asks. Is he joking?
"Um. Sure. Why not?" He smiles at them.
"And what happened to 'I don't want to know you'?" I asked teasing him.
"Shut up!" He slaps me on the back of my head, and we head back into the large castle, this time with the rest of the group.

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