Chapter six

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The ivory groves, New Orleans.

When the clock strikes twelve, these vile creatures will creep, stealing the life from the hearts of men"
Donald Watson repeated "where have I heard this before?"
He unhesitatingly walked over to her, his fear increasing as the screams from outside grew nearer.
"Jenna, dear. Are you alright?"
Tiffany stroked her blonde hair, his bright jade green eyes scanning across the room"
someone please explain to me what is happening"
"I'm fine"
Jenna sobbed, her voice laced with raw fear, it poured over the rest of the students
She realised suddenly that the room has no windows, only a hard wooded door that bore no holes though it existed for ages.
Drea Hopps screamed, her bright eyes suddenly darted across the room to Donald as she grabbed their attentions.
"That's the line from the fiery breath of darkness by Duchess Thomason. Paranormal Ecology 121, last spring"
"There is no Duchess Thomason, it's a pseudonym"
Corey contradicted mockingly
"the publishers wasn't sure if the book was fiction or not and it couldn't be verified since the author was out of reach"

Dean Collins gulped and sniffled, the near hysterical state of distress in which he had arrived at the Grove intensified by the practical fear of the other students as they desperately tries to figure the fable out. He feared he'd been found out.
"When the clock strikes twelve, these vile creatures will creep stealing the life from the hearts of men"
"The awakening script was written in Latin and chanted by the Hallows to raise the Cavern Nosferatu from the grave. Duchess Thomason's book was not published until after her or his death in 1734, the corpse was burnt beyond recognition and the locals couldn't discern if it was a male or female.
It was later used by locals to call out a vampire. Her grave was violated on..."
Donald Watson stopped halfway when he heard a low animalistic growl.

Everybody turned to look at the door but their eyes caught Dean first, he sat on the floor with his both hands on his hair pulling, his dark brown eyes shut tight in panic. He was transitioning.
"Are you okay?Get off the floor"
Corey mocked,

Dean said nothing. He was fighting hard but the script was law. The cure would have worked if the script wasn't read to him on a bewitching night. Now he was transitioning into a vampire all over again and his school mates were preys.
"The script was used by the locals to test the
undead and the living dead, if read correctly to a vampire or a transitioning one, the creature looses its will, control but it can only be read a few times before it takes effect"
Jenna stated
"How many?"
Donald was speaking to Jenna when in a flash, Dean Collins left the floor.
The pain came in black waves with jagged red teeth that tore into her neck, savaging it in surge after surge of red hot agony.
She cried against it and tried to escape from it but there was no escape. It was much too powerful. She could smell her own blood and the visceral scent stirred memories that kniffed her with fear. She cried out for Tiffany as the living dead tore the life from within her and destroyed it.
Tiffany Hannah Hitchcock heard the word echo in her head before the kill.

Hotel Moonsoon

It had been a dark, damp day too wet even to go hunting, as Bates had whined irritably. Now as he climbed up the stairs, his palm twitched he couldn't stow it.
Hunger and exhaustion danced in his brown eyes.
Jessica opened the door before she heard his knock. Jessica was wearing a pretty sundress with a short sleeved bolero that showed off her arms. She had been due to spend the day with Bates who had promised to drive her to the bayou but had to cancel at the last minute because it rained cats and dogs.
"You look stunning"
he said, his Italian accent and the intense hunger making him sound husky.
Tenderly, he caressed her chin and felt her pulse beating, her heart racing. His need for blood intensified and he fought the urge to rip out her jugular.
She sucked in a breath as his hands fell away
"I want to take you somewhere"
he said clearly "but we're not leaving Moonsoon"
He watched her as she turned her key in the lock, her thick brows furrowed in concentration and those almond shaped blue captivating eyes that held the promise that all will be right in the universe.

Winter, New Orleans

Subject 24507, trial 1089 is slipping out of consciousness, subject's body is ice cold. Rigid. It is manifestly healing itself all over again"
The air inside the theatre is cold and deathly, it flows out of the vents in the wall mixed with yew and mountain Ash, weakening him
"I can't breathe"
he whispered, his body was shutting down but the curse was law.
As he called it.
The restraints were tighter, his need for blood was magnified, the air in the lab reeked of un-preserved human blood mixed with concentrated chemicals.
He was just about to slip into his happy  place,a place where he could find peace, when he heard Beauchamp's voice again
"Subject 24507, trail 1089 is frightened and alas conscious although certain organs are yet
to be reformed"
As the doctors poke, he realised he couldn't see, his corneal aid in an apple jar on the counter, he counted the footsteps he heard walking toward his table.
His heart sank.

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