Chapter l

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A visit to hell 

Chapter 1
   I know what you are thinking, yeah l died but the experience that comes after dead can be rather interesting you wouldn't know cos you have never died. I can't tell you everything but maybe l can give you some useful heading, Dead is not the end  to everything well that include life, in my opinion Dead is just another beginning of living, as human being our life goes more than just living and dying it more divine something beyond human understanding.
Follow me up and you might just gain some experience or understanding about life and dead and what goes beyond dead

Some believe after death comes hell or heaven some also believe that after death people with unfinished business coming back from the death to finish their business while other believe after death comes rest until the coming of Christ, well l don't no what to say about those beliefs just because it doesn't sound reasonable doesn't mean it not true after all my tales defines everything under human reasoning. The terms devil, heaven, Christ, hell well it real base on you belief cos the devil doesn't have to be a monster with horns and tails to scare you technically speaking in our generation now we have people who fancy the devil so what there to scare. The devil simply means you greatest fear, well in my case it was my girlfriend.
        Her name was rose yeah my girlfriend, the most pretty girl l have ever seen, she was every man choice eye as clear as the sky, hair as dark as night with her pink lip that match with her light skin, damn that girl was a copy of a angel even when she was my devil. We were in high school when l met her, l wish she never met me maybe she might be alive now, yeah she died and for a long time l felt it was my fault and punished myself for her death, but if there is anything my visit to hell has thought me is that the choice we make our decision, how we choose to live our lives, our kind of friend and lifestyle is controlled by us, nevertheless the kind of family, situation or trials life put us through, nobody is responsible for you action nevertheless the pressure or who force you the decision to do it is still yours. I should know cos l learned it the hard way but sometimes you need to forgive you self from whatever or how great the act or sin might have been to move on, and also to gain forgiveness from other well if l knew this l wouldn't be telling you my story now.Sorry l forgot to introduce myself my name is Damon am from the woodwork family my family are rich and famous so money was not really my kind of problem. l only hang out my people of my class am the last child having two annoying senior brothers, am 17 and as you all know every last child from a rich family are mostly spoiled well not every, but majority of them well you should know l was no different expect with the fact, l have a very strict parents most mother were not strict but mine was a scorpion she even sting more than my dad. But according to my brothers she was just trying to discipline me cos from a very young age l was very stubborn and a typical example is a bad spoiled boy expect this rich kid, people believe their parents are responsible for their spoiled character well in my case they are wrong cos my parents never support any form of indiscipline even from my elder brothers.

     Talking about brothers, Terry was the first born sometimes l pity him l thank God l was the last, my parents, family friends relatives and co worker expect some much from him they look at him like his perfect,he has some much expectation and promises on his shoulder, he doesn't even get to pick his own clothes he has to dress, talk, walk even eat like some kind of prince forced to wear a crown he never wanted am not even sure he has ever taken a single choice of his life everything about him are decided by my parents, do you know at 12 years old they tried picking him a wife from one of their partners, crazy right and the most painful side of his story is that he has plans and life decision for himself well am sure you thinking why he can't stand up for himself well he tried that but my parents are not just strict they are cunning dubious and have a way of getting in his heart making him believe, he is the only one that can carry their legacy they just so use to manipulating people especially their loved ones to get what they want well expect Johnson my second brother his always going to my gee, my backbone my one and only. OK you see my parents tried to work Johnson they way they worked Terry but you see, l might be the black sheep of the family but Johnson was the worst he never let them choose or force him into any choices he never wanted when the pressure became to much for him, he left the only person l no to have given such blow at my parents. With Johnson gone now they are trying to force me like Terry we just going to have to wait and see how am going to react to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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