Tag 3

9 0 0

I got tagged by Ninjago_Obssesed !


1 - I have several nicknames, but the one I am called the most is Hannah Banana.

2 - My eyes are weird. Sometimes they are green, sometimes they are blue, sometimes they are a mix of both, and one time one eye was blue and the other was green. So yeah, my eyes are weird.

3 - I have brown hair with highlights. When I stand in the sun my hair looks like it's gold.

4 - One fact about me is that I play the flute. Maybe sometime I'll play a song on my flute in my Ninjago Playlist book.

5 - My favorite color is green!

6 - My favorite place to be is at the kitchen table doing Wattpad on my computer.

7 - Um, Skillet? Taylor Swift? The Fold? Do they count as celebrities?

8 - My favorite song is hard to choose because I love so many, so I'm just going to put a couple that I like down below.

9 - My favorite animal is wolves, dragons, and tigers.

10 - I have a lot of favorite books so you would get bored if I told you all of them. So I'll just put some of my favorite Wattpad books.







Okay, so I'm going to tag 20 people:

1 - Catta71 

2 - jdizzle500 

3 - sxncerelysandra 

4 - Janeisha73 

5 - Nomie132 

6 - TeamArrow4Life 

7 - LuckyBugBooks 

8 - lucky_ducky_123 

9 - synchro_writer 

10 - CharaDemonChild 

11 - Catkan 

12 - catsyuu 

13 - Star_Wars_Jedi_Girl 

14 - -Just_Jungkookie- 

15 - AriaLord 

16 - thatsmolgrape 

17 - RavenKnight3035 

18 - tonystankswhore 

19 - FireCatJ 

20 - CerseiClaws 

Okay, so there you go. 

282 Words 

- The Different Ninja - 

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