Her name is Noel

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Freshman year was the year I met my soon to be ex best friend, Noel. I'll get into why I'm not going to be her friend anymore, but first lets get into the history of our friendship. 

It was halfway through a Wednesday and I was wandering the halls like a lone wolf avoiding any trouble I could possibly get into.

I was walking to my ELA (english language arts) when I heard behind me,

"Hey loser!! Get over here."

'Oh lord' I thought, turning around to face my worst nemesis, Lizzy. She used to be my best friend, but she turned into a massive bitch who would do anything just to suck on the hottest guy's dick. 

I refused to run away. It was time for me to face my worst fear. Her. I pulled my walnut hair back and my eyes darkened. Before she could reach me a girl stepped in front of me.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" She shouted. Everyone in the hallway turned to look at what was going on.

"It's none of your beeswax, whore" My mouth dropped. How could Lizzy, of all people call someone a whore. 

"You cannot be talking" The girl in front of me replied. Lizzy's face shifted into a dark red. She looked so embarrassed. Everyone in the hallway started whispering to each other. Who was this girl and where did she get so much courage. 

"Well at least I don't smell like weed 24/7" said Lizzy, I was a little concerned so I leaned in and sniffed her jacket. I expected to smell weed, but instead I smelled the lovely aroma of lemon tarts. It was so refreshing, I just wanted to lean in and smother my face in her.

"She smells nicer than you," I mumbled leaning back to my original position. Unfortunately, I didn't say it quiet enough.

"Bianca, I know you did not just say what I think you said." Lizzy spat.

"Wha- I.." I tried to say something, but nothing was coming to me. I've alway been bad at making comebacks, but I had never blanked like that before.

"She said I smell better than you."  the girl retorted taking a step forward. Clearly, she was looking for a fight.

"By the time I'm done with you..." She started to say, stepping forward, but before she could do anything her boyfriend jumped in. He was standing to the side of her with his arm wrapped around her shoulders, looking back and forth. He was tall, maybe 6' with dark brown hair that fell slightly in front of his face. He looked like every other guy Lizzy had fucked, but there was something different about him. His eyes looked just a little bit kinder, his hands looked just a little bit softer.

"C'mon lets get out of here!!" The girl yelled and grabbed my hand, dragging me away. She started laughing and I started laughing with her. By the time we stopped I was out of breathe, she ran really fast.

"I'm Noel by the way." She said in between breaths.

"Bianca" I replied sliding down against a brick wall. She sat down next to me and we just sat and breathed, like kids after going on a roller coaster. I looked at her and she looked at me. We met eyes and laughed even harder than before. It's like we had known each other for years, just didn't realize it.

Ever since that day I've been best friends with her. We've done everything together, hanging out in between class, doing homework, crying. We had been friends for years and I never thought she would betray me. She was like my soulmate, but she was my best friend. Little did I know, she was going to crush my heart, steal my boyfriend, and ruin my life.

A couple days in the life a teenage dirtbagWhere stories live. Discover now