Oh, how she rocks in keds and tube socks

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I slipped out of bed and checked my phone. I had a couple messages and calls from my mom. I jogged downstairs and walked towards the front door. Then I heard Lizzie's mom from the kitchen.

"I'm in here dear!" I cursed silently. I hadn't talked to Lizzie's mom in forever, this was going to be so awkward. I walked into the kitchen. Lizzie's mom was sitting over the stover cooking something. Before I could say anything she said, "I know you probably stayed up late talking so I wanted to let you girls sleep in. I've got breakfast almost ready and then I'll run you all to school," 

"Oh, thank you so much that's great," I looked down at my phone and pulled up the messages from my mom. 

They read:

           Hey hun, are you almost done with the project?

           Let me know what's going on, please.

           Lizzie's mom called me and said you're sleeping over! Let me know if you need anything! 

Thank god for Lizzie's mom. If she hadn't called then my mom would've totally freaked out. Wait, Lizzie's mom wasn't even at home, how did she know to call my mom? Before I could finish my thought Lizzie's mom said,

"Could you go get Lizzie, breakfast is almost ready," I nodded and walked back upstairs. I opened the door to her room and walk in. She was still sleeping soundly in her bed. I walked over to her side of the bed and gently shook her.

"Lizzie... Lizzie, wake up," After a second she rolled over and groans. I sighed, hoping she'll get up soon. I shook her one more time and she finally said something.

"Just give me a second," I didn't want to be late for my first class. Don't get me wrong, I hate gym, but I did not want to walk in halfway through the class. That would have been the most awkward thing ever. I shook her again and said,

"Lizzie, c'mon I gotta get to school," She finally sat up. Her hair was a mess, it looked like she just ran through a forest and forgot to take out fallen debris. She crawled out of her bed and walked over to her shower. "Come downstairs when you're done," I say and she groaned in response. I walked back downstairs.

"She'll be down in a sec," I said, sitting down at the white marble island.

"Well, while we wait let's have some breakfast," She said, serving me a plate full of pancakes and sausage.  

"Shouldn't we wait for Lizzie?" I say, concerned.

"Lizzie usually doesn't like a big breakfast, it'll be alright," She stood, leaning on the island across from me. I started eating. After a few minutes, Lizzie came down. She was wearing denim shorts, a white tank top, and white and green tube socks. She looked perfect as usual.  It was so unfair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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