Ch. 3: Sanji

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[Sanji: First day]

   Moving across states hadn't been what Sanji had in mind. But since Zeff and his restaurant had almost run out of business, they were forced to move elsewhere. Hopefully, try to save the restaurant's name and Sanji was determined to do so. Finding a house wasn't so hard either. His new neighborhood looked like the old one. The neighbors were nice and welcoming too. So far, the move wasn't as bad as Sanji had anticipated.

   Fall was just starting, and the leaves were beginning to change colors. It was not cold or hot, it was the right amount of warm. The warm fall breeze put everything together. The scenery was much more beautiful than anything or any plain Sanji had laid his eye's on.

   That wasn't even the beginning.

   Sanji was nervous. He didn't like being the 'new kid'. But he tried his best to seem cool and calm, for Zeff. The last thing Sanji wanted was to worry him.

   "Hey, old man." Sanji entered the kitchen, as usual, Zeff was making breakfast. His cooking was top tier and Sanji wanted to be just like him, or better. Start his own business and hire his own crew. Possibly be a better chef than Gordon Ramsay. But that dream was kept secret.

   Sanji preferred it that way. Even if he was shooting for the stars.

   "Your breakfast is on the table and your lunch is as well."

   "Thanks, dad."

   "Yes. Yes. Have a good first day. Also, we have the grand opening right after your school day. Don't be late."

   "Oh, right! That's today?" Sanji pulled out his phone as he started shoving his breakfast down his throat.

   "Yes, do not be late, understand?" Zeff's voice was now stern and more serious.

   Sanji was good at many things but being on time was not one of his strengths. This time, he would take it seriously, for his dad. Or rather, chosen father figure. Sanji was also adopted and awfully very grateful to Zeff so this time Sanji would take seriousness in being on time.

   "Yes, yes I know. Try not to cut your other foot off while I'm gone." Sanji teased his dad playfully.

   He knew Zeff hated it when he made insensitive jokes like that, but it added entertainment to their boring talks. Zeff grunted in response but secretly, he liked that Sanji found amusement and was able to be happy. Especially after all the trauma he had to deal with as a kid.

   Sanji gave Zeff a smile before leaving the house. Suddenly, two guys were on his front porch. They were wearing the same uniform

   "Uh... Do you two need anything?" Sanji asked the two. What else could he say? He just moved here yesterday and he was already talking to new people. It was... weird.

   "Nah, we just wanted to say hi." The freckled-face guy waved him over.

They probably live across from me...

   "I'm Ace," The freckled one replied. "and this is Sabo."

   Sanji looked at both of them just to remember their names. Their names fit their faces and they were both actually kinda handsome the more Sanji looked at them. He would not admit it to them but he was actually questioning his sexuality. Yes, he liked women but did he also like men?

   The blonde one waved happily. "What's your name?"

   "I'm Sanji, nice to meetcha." He grinned then stayed quiet. It was happening again, his hands were shaking involuntarily. This happened every time he met anyone new.

A Rain in Fall ~Zosan [Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now