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Thranduil x servant reader

It was early in the morning when your shift started, your job today was to clean the throne room. Of course this all had to be done before the king awoke, and you were to do it by yourself. Most elves barely managed this task in groups of 4 yet you had been assigned this alone, your supervisor had had it out for you ever since he found out you weren't 'pure and normal'.

It was true, your mother had been from Rivendell and your father from Greenwood, which meant despite being a full elf you where treated differently. Oh, and There was also the fact you prefered ellons to elleths.

It took you 3 hours to clean the floors and walls of this grand hall. Which meant only the throne was left. Your leg, which you had sprained the other day was throbbing. but you pushed on. If you could complete this task hopefully you would earn enough to buy some painkillers.

Creeping foward you began to dust and scrub the throne, being careful not to damage the wood.

"What are you doing?" A deep voice echoed from behind you, you recognised it as the kings and bowed in respect. You had taken to long. You would not be receiving your pay for this.

"My apologies sir, i had meant to finish before you awoke" your own deep voice murmured, you couldnt help but play with the frayed ends of your tunic.

"...where are the rest of the servents?" He asked and you lowered your head even more, your hair falling over your face revealing your pointy ears.

"It is just me, sire" you inform him in a quiet voice, "i was assigned this job alone"

He nodded stiffly before motioning you to leave him, you do so with quick steps and head still bowed.


"please, ive worked so hard" you protest, your supervisor refused to give you your pay since you had not finshed in time, "i'll starve..."

"you should have finshed before the king awoke, your lucky i let you keep this job,half-blood" your supervisor practically spits. Though You know he only gave this job for cheap labour, as he pays you only half of your expected wages.

You feel the anger thrum in your veins like lead, but you know cant do anything, you would almost certainly be arrested if you layed but a finger on man before you.

Most high elves hated you, they hated the fact you where rivendell blood. Hated the fact you had a rivendell education. They where jealous, so they forced into a 'peasants job' to degrade you.(despite the fact you where quite high born yourself) Not that you minded the job, but your tasks where near impossible.

If you had stayed in Rivendell, you would have been a noble. But you couldnt stay with your mother (Even this was better than her) and any status you had in rivendell mattered not if the high elves hated you alot. It was also possible that the king was never informed of your blood status and so never questioned your job as a servent.

Knowing there would be no more negotiations you limped out of the office and back to the servants quaters. Of course your room happened to be the deepest, dampest, coldest room in the castle.

As you half limped half dragged yourself through the many corridors you ingnored both sympathetic and judging stares from other servants.

Finially, you pull yourself into your room and fall onto the straw-'bed', (it wasnt really a bed it was more like a pile of hay dumped on the floor)

You grapped a small bottle from the floor beside you and briefly fumbled with the lid before popping it off to reveal about 3 small white tablets. Painkillers.

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