🍀🍀Clover X Reader

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((Enjoy the beautiful double chin duck))

Clover's POV:

I tinkered with my ukulele/guitar (I don't know what instrument it is)
and tried to tune it correctly.

It took me about a minute and a half to successfully tune it.

I was hoping to make a new song today.

I always dreamed my songs would bring joy and luck to the world.

I started trying to brainstorm ideas, but every time I had an idea it either sounded silly or just felt not right.

I sighed to myself as I tried my absolute hardest to make up a song. I didn't want to make just ANY type of song......I wanted to make a NEW one.

I've made a lot of songs in the past and I'm afraid I might've used most of my thoughts for THEM.

Y/N's POV:

You were taking a stroll through the kingdom to clear your mind. You've been quite busy, helping White Sugar Cookie create axes in the smithy, and helping Latte Cookie with organizing study books, and etc.

You decide to get a cup of coffee to start off the afternoon. As you walk to a bench, you see Clover Cookie fiddling with his ukulele/ guitar. He seemed alright at first, but as he started strumming the strings he made a sour face.

You saw Clover try again, you could hear him softly singing.

He would often sing a few words but then trail off and say, "Nono that can't be right," or "No not that either," and even once, "Ah, that's not good enough."

You start to wonder what he's doing, or at least what he's TRYING to do.

You start to walk over to him and plaster a big goofy smile on your face.

"Is everything alright Clover?"
You say with a toothy grin.

Clover looks at you and says, "O-Oh!
Y/N! I didn't see you there.....but yes! I'm fine. I'm just trying to figure out some lyrics for a new song I'm trying to make......it's not turning out the way I'd hoped." Clover says in disappointment.

"Here let me help!"

You say enthusiastically.

You both end up writing the best song ever created and at the end of the day........

He holds your hand and kisses your cheek.

((Sorry it's short!))

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