Chapter 13: Protectiveness

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You were sitting on the floor of your new 'home'. You always sat on the floor and never on the bed. The floor was way more comfortable than the bed. You were also chatting with the dolls, but more with Tiffany. You found out Tiffany was a gothic individual, if that wasn't clear enough. You also found out her family name was Valentine. You liked that name.

She enjoyed Bride of Frankestein, listening to gothic music and other activities like that. She seemed really cool.

Chucky on the other hand was an obnoxious and loud-mouthed asshole. He really liked to flex the best kills he ever had and the methods he used to kill them. He was kind of annoying, but you enjoyed his company. Chucky also had a very good sense of humour. After a bit of hesitation, he told you his real name, Charles Lee Ray and that he was a serial killer. 'Chucky' was apparently a nickname.

You also figured out they were a couple. They didn't directly told you, but you eventually figured it out since it was pretty obvious.

"Breakfast time has started! Patients of Paintell, please start heading towards the cafeteria!" The robotic voice said. You started to despise that voice. It was extremely annoying.

Two guards bursted through the door, although not immediately. You grabbed the cube and Chucky since Tiffany wanted to stay inside. It seems like she had a plan to do something or maybe you were just thinking too much about it. The guards took you out of the room. You shoved the box into Chucky's pocket without his permission. It was sticking out a little but it somehow fit. Chucky slowly turned his head back to you and gave you a 'really?' look.

You looked behind and saw the other guards taking out the patients.

You arrrived at the cafeteria and it was almost empty. The only other two people there were the two brothers from the day earlier sitting at the same table. The shorter one still had the stuffed rabbit. He seemed to love it very much. The other man seemed to supervise him.

You grabbed your tray of food and decided to sit down next to them at the table. You also placed Chucky on the table.

"Hi!" You said.

The chubby man scrambled to get a piece of paper and a pen out of his pocket while the other man stared at you, like he was making sure you don't do anything stupid. In the corner of your eye you could see Bo and Vincent sitting at one of the tables. Bo also noticed you and gave you a dirty look. Vincent on the other hand seemed upset. That's what you thought based on his body language.

Lowered head, hunched back, slow body movements, swallowing movements.

The chubby man finished writing and gave you the paper quickly. The paper read 'hi' in messy writing.

"What's your-"


You jumped a little and quickly turned around to see Norman who tried to scare you. Well, he kind of succeded.

"Hi Norman! I need to go guys." You said. You followed him back to a table. You arrived at the table and sat down in between Brahms and Jason. Danny was sitting opposite of you and Norman sat down next to Brahms. You placed Chucky on the table.

"Uh..I just noticed half of the cafeteria is sitting at one table." You said, trying to maybe start a conversation.

"Oh yeah..haha.." Brahms said.

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