Hades's Daughter

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Esmeray was born to Hades and Persephone. Her older sister Nerezza adored her little sister. They were a few years apart but still got along well. As Esmeray got older, she became adventurous and was getting herself into a lot of trouble. Her parents were worried that it would go too far and she would be in danger. Her father did not understand her, but her mother could sympathize because of how her life had been. She wants to see Esmeray be happy, but she knows that Hades would not. Esmeray's sister was okay with staying in the underworld. This is where Esmeray and Nerezza are different, and this has caused arguments between them. Esmeray may look more like their mother and have some of her traits from Hades, but her sister acts a lot like their mother and looks like their father with very few traits from Persephone. Hades would always try to get Esmeray to listen, but she was stubborn; her soul was like fire. It was free, wild, and unpredictable. As she came closer to her teen years, it only got worse, and her family never really understood why she was this way. She thought her father would know because she was his daughter, but he didn't want her to be anything like him. Hades and Esmeray would get into really heated arguments that Persephone and Nerezza had to act like it was never happening; no one could interfere, or they would end up in the argument.

"I don't understand why you have to act like this, Esmeray," said Hades as he held his head.

"Why can't you accept that I am not fragile, strong, and brave," Esmeray growled.

"It's not that I can't accept it. It's just that I don't want anything to happen to you or my family," he snarled.

"I'm tired of being stuck down here; the same things happen, and nothing changes," she said in an irritated tone.

Esmeray's bright blue eyes had darkened as she got angry, and her long black hair slightly moved in the breeze. When she would get mad, her power was uncontrollable. She would manipulate fire and throw it when she was angry. Her father told her to go to her room because she was getting out of control and was acting like a child. She would then tell him that he is one to talk to and that she is a child and not an adult. Her father always tried to see her as an adult so that she would not feel as if she was still a baby, but that still did not work. Nerezza went to her sister's room to try and calm her down while her mom talked to their father. Nerezza never understood why her father would let Esmery get out of control and use her power in arguments. It would just cause things to escalate further. Nerezza felt as if she would never be able to understand the relationship between her sister and her father.

"You know you were kinda being a hothead back there," said Nerezza in a concerned voice.

"Maybe if he would just listen to what I have to say, I wouldn't be such a hot head," Esmeray said in an upset tone.

"You took it way too far this time, though; you almost hit Dad with the fire," said Nerezza. "He would have been fine; we're immortal," Esmeray said.

"That's not the point, Esmeray," said Nerezza in an upset voice.

Nerezza had to walk away because she was not getting anywhere talking to Esmeray. She was upset with her sister's actions and how they affected the family. She wishes Esmeray would see things differently, but she knows that will not happen until something horrible happens. And Nerezza hopes that no one will be in danger when that day comes. When Nerezza leaves Esmeray's room, she slams the door to let her sister know she is troubled with her. Esmeray gets up and waits till she doesn't hear her sister's footsteps; she opens the door as quietly as possible so that she does not get caught. She races to the underworld entrance and makes it to the overworld. She found it so pretty and bright.
People look so different in the overworld to her. She was having difficulty taking it in all at once. She traveled all over the world. Esmeray wanted to experience everything that the mortals get to do. She spent four days in the overworld before going home. She knew she would be in massive trouble because of what she had done, but she did not care. She was happy with her decision, or so she thought. When she returned to the underworld, she shouted for her family, but no one answered. She looked all around for them, but they were nowhere to be found. Esmeray started to panic and thought that she made a huge mistake. The underworld was not working how it should be. Her father had a massive job making the underworld run the way it should. She tried to make things work and do everything independently, but that ended because she didn't realize how hard her father's job was. She was so mad at herself for sneaking out and going against her family's wishes. She finally concluded that she would have to find her family and return them to the underworld. She looked around for things that she could bring on her journey. She found her dad's helmet would turn anything invisible that wore it. She set off to Mount Olympus because she knew someone must have been a part of her family going missing. When she got to Olympus, she approached Zeus and demanded that they talk.

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