The Doll

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I didn't believe in ghosts until that one day many months ago. It was a Tuesday, that much I know for sure. I had just finished my shift at work and was walking home when I saw something shiny from the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw a doll, with dark black hair and baby blue eyes. When I walk over to pick it up I get a bad feeling of something watching me, I jerk to look around to make sure there is nothing there and find no one. Not even a single bird is out right now, which is very unusual because normally they like to pester me while I'm trying to walk home. I turn back around and, "Were your eyes always looking at me" I ask the doll, even though I know I wont get a response. I must have just not noticed it before, a doll can't move on its own, right?
When I bend down to pick up the doll I find that it is cold to the touch, the porcelain skin glinting in the sun as I lift it from the ground. As I resume my walk back home with the doll in hand I'm wondering who would get rid of a doll like this and not even put it in a can or something, they must have been in a hurry if they just threw it onto the sidewalk. It feels like it took longer than normal to get home but I just shrug it off and continue the process of getting into my home.
As I walk in the door I slip off my shoes and make my way to the kitchen, putting down the doll onto the counter and going to my fridge to find something to have for dinner. "Leftovers, I really need to go to the store soon." I grab the container and put it into the microwave, watching it spin around and around for a minute and a half. When that is ready I open the microwave, grab the doll and head upstairs to my room, some people might think it's weird to eat in your room, but it's totally normal for me.
When I get to my room I set the doll down onto my bedside table and sit on my bed, after I finish my dinner I set the tupperware on the table and pat the doll goodnight. I try to get comfortable, and as I'm finally drifting off to sleep I hear a thump. Looking over I see that the doll has fallen off the table, "I'll get you later." I say, not knowing that is what finally sealed my fate.
When I lay back down I register that the doll is walking toward my bedroom door, it's tan boots thumping with each step it takes, but I just play it off as if it was my imagination, and fall asleep. I wake up to a searing pain in my gut, feeling as if it was dipped in gas and then lit on fire. As I look up I see the doll standing over me, with my slicer knife in hand, covered in my own blood. When I try to scream I find out that I cannot, instead choking on a stream of my own blood that is making its way up my throat. The doll drags the knife down my chest, pushing it further into me the further down it goes, ignoring my crying screams.
When it finally decides that it went down enough it reaches its hand into the open cavity and I can feel its small hands each time it makes the slightest movement, my body begging me to get up and move when I physically can't anymore. I can faintly feel a tug somewhere, feeling my life fading away, then the searing pain comes back as the doll tightly grasps something in my body before roughly pulling. I hear a snap and can feel the blood pooling up and overflowing the gaping wound, covering my chest, the doll, and the bedsheets that will be my final resting place. As my vision starts to go dark the last thing I can see is the doll, no the demons jaw hinging open

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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