::Chapter One::

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~Zoya's POV~

" I can't wait until tomorrow!" Maddy squealed and kicked her legs in the air, making her sleeping bag jump into the air. She then sighed and fell into a more regular position, grumbling in the process about 'how the stupid duvet is trying to kill me' (Her)

"Stop being restless Maddy and Lay down!" I moaned and slapped her leg, making her kick her leg at me, and thankfully, missing my face by inches of else this beautiful face would be ruined. So, tomorrow, Maddy, Priyanka and I are going to GreenGrass summer camp, which is in a isolated Forest around 75 miles out of our town.

"Do you think any cute boys will be there?" Priyanaka asked, as she braided her brown hair.

"Probably not, I hope so though!" That was Maddy. She's obsessed with boys.

"Go to sleep girls!" Dad shouted through the door. "You have to wake up early tomorrow morning if you want to get to GreenGrass before 10, and have a good breakfast before you leave!"

So, we snuggled down and started whispering softly until Maddy fell asleep, as, she always falls asleep first. She doesn't like laying down and not being able to sleep.


"Maddy! Wake up!" Priyanka and I shouted at the top of our lungs at the lazy beast that lay infront of us. We got no reply, just a mumble about being rude.

After we threatened to pour water over her head, she finally got up and got dressed into some shorts and a grey shirt. And converse. No surprises there though, that basically all she ever wears.

We trailed into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table as mum and dad stood over the stove, cooking some type of food that I couldn't properly see. They then turned around and brought out some toast onto the table and sat in down. Also waffles; Maddy's requests.

After breakfast, dad loaded all of our things into the boot of our biggest car and then we all jumped into the car, across the back and my parent sin the front two seats, then set off, taking a last glance at my tattered old house and out to the busy roads.

After we went down many roads, we found ourselves in the country-side, with cows as out only neighbors. Now and again, a cow will let out a moo and Maddy will moo back, making the cow look frightened out of it's cow skin.

We finally arrived at a large grounds, covered with trees. Dad drove through the grounds and up to a large shed type thing, then stopped the car. A man soon ran out of the shed and up to our car. He wore brown shorts and a blue and white stripped t-shirt.

"Welcome! I take it you are Zoya and her family and friends?" The man said and dad nodded, smiling at the man.

"Indeed we are,"

The man gave us instructions to put our things in a green cabin near a large oak tree, next to a blue cabin that sat beside ours. We helped dad bring our things and we placed in inside the green cabin, where we found 3 beds in there, all stretchers but they looked fairly comfortable.

"Bye daddy!" I said and hugged my dad, before repeating the process with my mother, then waving goodbye as they drove off, out the gate and down the windy lane before out of sight.

"Wonder who's in the blue cabin?" Maddy inquired and I shrugged.

Then just as we spoke, the blue cabin door opened and revealed a boy who looked about our age who had black hair and looked rather annoyed. he turned to look at me, then he walked back in his cabin then again, exited with 3 other boys behind him. They walked over to our cabin and took a seat on the floor, even though nobody told them too.

"Hello, I'm Eric." The boy said plainly, and the other boy introduced themselves as Sebastian, Forester and William.

"Hai! I'm Maddy!" Maddy introduced herself excitedly and jumped about, evidently creeping Sebastian out because he slipped back a bit. Maddy then laughed and jumped onto her bed.

What a freak I have as a friend.

"I'm Zoya, and That's my crazy friend Maddy, who is a bit insane." I said and the boys nodded, glancing weirdly at Maddy who was currently hitting her pillow against the wall.

"I'm Priyanka!" Priyanka said and the boys nodded, evidently finding her much more calmer and nicer.

Afterwards, Maddy came and joined us on the floor and started talking constantly and not letting anyone else say a word.

"Rude lady," Eric said, and Maddy scowled at him and slapped him, which he claimed didn't hurt one bit.

"Well, I'm sure your gunna be my best friend!" Maddy said grinning and put her arm around Eric, who groaned and shook her arm off, leaving Maddy pouting.

"Someone's mean!" she shouted and stomped over to sit next to James who was looking amused.

"Hi." She said flatly

"Hi." He replied, in the same tone of voice although It was obvious that he was entertained by Maddy and Eric.

"I'm bored." She said plainly then jumped up again and walked out of the cabin, Probably not even knowing where she was going.

"Does she know where she's going?" Asked Sabeastian and I shrugged.

" No doubt she'll be back in a minute. claiming she's bored." Priyanka said and she was right. About 3 minutes later, Maddy waddled in. Yup, she came in with masking tape around her feet and her hands tied together.

"uh, Maddy?" I said, looking cautiously at her," Exactly why do you have masking tape around your hands and arms."

"oh, I met some guy called Jason and I asked him if he could tie my feet and hands together, thankfully he agreed."

"Whose Jason?" I question and James piped up.

"Jason is the manager of GreenGrass camp,"

"Oh, awesome," Maddy replied, grinning then flopped on the ground and looked around expectantly.

"Which one of you are Forester?" SHe asked and He looked up and waved.

"Okay, you boy, go get me scissors,"

"Yes Ma'aam," He replied, with an American accent I noticed, and he walked out of the cabin.

"And now, I await my slave to get back." she said relaxed, looking around like nothing happened.

When Forester arrived back, he was carrying a pair of green scissors, then went over to Maddy and snipped the tape off her hands and legs then dropped the scissors beside her and went back to where he was sitting.

"Thank you slave," Maddy commented and laid down on her bed, her nose on the pillow.

"Are you sniffing the pillow?" Sebastian asked, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, I am," She said, sounding muffled through the fluffiness of the pillow. Sebastian looking at her like she was a murderer, then shrugged.

"Is she always this weird?" He asked.

"Always," Priyanka and I chanted in usion.

"That's weird." Maddy commented before walking out of the cabin again. I didn't even see her stand up. Oh well.

"Bye!" SHe shouted, popping back up again before disappearing, leaving the boys amazed by the weird girl I call my best-friend.

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