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I'm deporting my one-shot ship book to my alt account as I am unable to access my main account from my school computer, I don't know why but yeah it happened. All rules remain the same.

So I have a lot of ships, this is just a random book to test some things. If you guys like a ship a lot I'll consider making a story about it if possible. You can suggest anything although there is the chance I am not into your ship/fandom so I can't promise to do them all, I still suggest your idea on what ship and maybe what to do with it.

How you will know what franchise, ship, and type of story it is like this:

Sample: Title of One Shot (Franchise. Ship.)

Example title: Warming Hug (Persona 5. Joker X Futaba)

I was originally thinking of not doing stuff I do a lot of  MHA, dc, marvel, and MK as those got full stories and there are ships that I might not be able to do, so those ideas are ok to suggest but I won't do some ships I have in my bio on my main account as listed so often. The reason for it is that I have fully dedicated stories to these and I really wanna do new stuff rather than repeat old ones, but I might do them if I can make it unique like an alternate au or if I just don't use it as often as for most of the MHA I haven't used any recently except izuocha and kamijiro. Still, if it's something unique that is something I haven't done in a story (like a rich ochako for example) I will consider it.

One last thing, I might be hesitant about doing boy x boy or girl x girl stuff as I don't know how to do them so there is a doubtful chance I'll do them, and I certainly won't do boy x boy or girl x girl smut's as that's something I do not want to do as I am a straight guy and I don't know how to do it or wanna make them, it would be too weird for me, but doing LGBTQ ships is something I can try, just as long as it makes sense, not gonna do any bakuhoe x Deku or bakuhoe x uraraka or any of those weird ass mha ships, or any weird ships that just make no sense.

Speaking of smut, I'm not 100% sure if I should here, I have done it with my izuocha book on this account but still I don't know if I should. It's ok to suggest smut but idk if I'll do it.

If there's a ship in this book you don't like, please just skip that chapter. I don't want to have to deal with hate comments or people hating on others in the comments. It hasn't happened yet on either account to this day but I wanna be prepared as I'm sure not everyone agrees with the ships here and it's ok if you don't agree with my ships, just don't go bulling people for it.

Anyways feel free to read and suggest either here or in DMS. I would really appreciate it. I mean if you are reading this I assume you're reading this but- just go read one of the one-shots, please. 

Also, I won't be rewriting any of the two one-shots I did there as I don't want Wattpad to think I plagiarized stuff when it's my own work. If you wanna check those out you have to go to my main account.

Ships I did here so far:

Pit X Viridi. Kid Icarus

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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