the meeting

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We saw a little boy with fluffy dirty blonde hair and a light gray long sleeve shirt and overalls and he had white and Black skin like me.

We saw a little boy with fluffy dirty blonde hair and a light gray long sleeve shirt and overalls and he had white and Black skin like me

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

🍀 He's so cute!

Yah but don't you think he's way to young to go on this mission?

🍀Now that you said that he does seem Way to young too go with us.

The little boy walked over to us and tried to climb up on the chair and I picked him up and sat him between me and Lucky he smiled at me and hugged me and he fell asleep on my chest and I was embarrassed and I saw Lucky started to giggle and I glared at her and she went silent. I picked up the boy and put him in my lap and held him so he doesn't fall.

🍀How old do you think he is?

"I don't know I think he's in second grade but I can ask him to make sure."

🧑‍💻Ok girls the principal is ready for you to go in and please wake him up

I nodded and shaked him up and he woke up and he smiled at me.

"Good morning little man"

🧒 Good morning Papa!

I was shocked that he called me Papa and I smiled.

"What's your name little one?"

🧒 Brat!

"What did you say?"

🧒 My name is brat!

"Let me give you another name ok?"

🧒 Ok Papa

"How about Owen?"

🧒 Yes I love that name Papa!

I picked him up and Carried him in the principals office and Lucky walk in behind me and we both sat down in front of the principal and he looked at Owen and looked up at me.

🧑‍💼Is he yours?

"Oh no he isn't mine"

🧑‍💼Oh well sorry for the confusion and I apologize to you.

"It's really fine with me so you don't need to say anything"

🧑‍💼 Anyway you three are here because you've been chosen to be the first people that went out of the walls and see if it's safe to live out there.

"Yes we understand that sir but what if it's not safe for us to live out there"

🧑‍💼Then you can't come back in and you die....

"Yes sir"

🧑‍💼Now I called your parents and they pack up your hole room and a bus is go to pick you up and drive you home and you can put the bags on the bus.

🧑‍💻Sir the bus is here and waiting for them to come out!

🧑‍💼I see you can leave now and please be careful out there.

"We'll try are best sir"

Me and Lucky got up out of the seats and I picked up Owen and walked out of the office and walked all the way to the front door and walk out of the school and a bus was there and It opened the doors and we walks up the stairs and saw the bus had carpet and the seats were very soft and comfy and I walked to the window seat and I sat down and I put Owen right beside me and Lucky sat on the outside seat Owen went to sleep very easily and the bus stoped at my house and I got off and went inside of my house and my mom was holding a huge bag of my stuff and she was crying.

🧑‍🍼Why did it have to be you please come back safely I can't loose the only thing In my life!

"Mom I promise that I'll come back."

I grab my stuff and hugged her goodbye and I went to in the bus and I walked to my seat and I saw that Owen was sleeping on Lucky's side and Lucky is also a sleep I squeeze my body pass and I tried not to wake them up I sat down in my seat and the bus turned quickly and Owen and Lucky went on top of me I blushed at the situation and I smiled at them sleeping I pressed the button to get the bus driver's attention and the bus stoped at the moment I pressed it the bus driver went to me and he stopped right in front of the seat.

🧔Do you need anything mix?
(Mix is a pronoun for nonbinary people!)

"Yes can you the there parents that they have to bring there stuff on the dust because they're sleeping"

🧔 Of course I can mix y/n if you want me to!

He walked back over to the driver's seat and sat down and buckled his seatbelt and drove slower than before and it was a couple of minutes later the bus stoped again and then a person come on and they had two huge bags of stuff and set the stuff down and got off. after that I drifted off to sleep.

hey y/n...

Hello y/n


I wake up and see Lucky is in front of my face and I jumped.

🍀 I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you it's just we're here....

"What wait where's Owen"

I get up off the seat and grabbed my bags and I ran off the bus and I saw a huge group of people and I saw Owen being picked on and he was crying and hurt

Choice coming up:

🤬 swear at the bullies

❤️‍🩹help Owen's wounds

👊fight the bullies
( btw you are very good at fighting)

by the way each choice will have a different route which you have stats so depends on the one you choose you get a different stat and that's that can help you into survival and remember everybody's path is different and I'm going to make different endings a good a bad and a neutral ending I might do a couple more good and bad ones 😏

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