Chapter 22

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The air in my room was buzzing with a mix of tension and exhaustion as Siya, Kay, and I continued our study session. Alex joined us, and together, we delved into the world of past question papers. My mom, being the diligent overseer, popped in around 6:30 pm, ensuring our academic endeavors were on track. By 7 pm, we collectively decided to call it a night, drained and beyond tired. Mom took Alex home, and after a brief stay at Kay's place, we returned to my crib.

Once back in my room, Siya sensed something was amiss.

"Baby, what's up?" she probed gently.

"Nothing," I replied, attempting to dismiss any concern.

"I'm not stupid," she teased with a reassuring smile.

"I never said you were," I conceded, realizing there was no hiding from her.

"Then talk to me, dummy," she insisted.

"Aya and I had another episode," I admitted reluctantly.

"Lemme guess, Lihle?" Siya quipped, already piecing together the puzzle.

"Sis'Tee knows about him, and Aya thinks I told her mom," I sighed.

"What?! You would never!" Siya expressed shock.

"I wish I was. Try convincing her of that," I lamented.

"Wow," Siya uttered, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"And that's not even half of the story. Sis'Tee threatened to tell her father if she doesn't end things with Lihle," I revealed.

"And what did Aya do?" Siya inquired, her concern evident.

"What do you think?! She's not planning on doing that. She would rather lose her family over him," I disclosed, a mixture of frustration and disappointment in my tone.

"WHAT?!! You lie!" Siya couldn't believe it.

"I wish I was. I lost it, bruh, and just called it quits," I confessed.

"What do you mean?" Siya sought clarification.

"That my friendship with Aya is over," I admitted with a heavy heart.

"What?!" My mom's surprised voice interrupted our conversation.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked, startled.

"Long enough," Mom replied as she joined us on the bed.

"What happened between you and Aya?" Mom inquired, concern etched on her face.

"It's the Lihle thing," I answered.

"Again?!" Siya exclaimed.

"Yep," I confirmed.

"Mom, did you tell Sis'Tee?" I questioned.

"No," Mom replied.

"Then how did she find out?" Siya wondered.

"Unitra res medicine is not that big, you know. People know Tabisa, and they know her family, so one of the students mentioned that they saw her more than once at res," Mom explained.

"That student needs to mind their own business," Siya asserted.

Mom and I shared a laugh.

"No, I'm serious. Like sis'Bomi, she enters nowhere! What her lecturers' daughter does in her spare time is none of his/her business," Siya defended.

"Yeah, well, apparently, the girl is Lihle's ex," Mom added.

"Oh, she's one of those bitter exes. Uwoah, uThixo abe naye mntaka bawo (May the Lord be with her)," Siya commented.

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