The Dystopian Utopia

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Amaria momentarily glanced at the apartment she had spent five years of her life in before turning to the smiling baby in the car.

How could an atrocity result in sheer beauty, she wondered, gazing into his glimmering hazel eyes. 

She braced herself before driving away from all her demons, towards her dream. After a year-long wait, her name had finally been drawn and she was anticipating everything Filoral City held for Caspian and herself. 

As she neared the megalopolis, the drones, choppers and hoverboards drifting around the ever-rising skyscrapers became clearer.

A short distance was left to be covered when her car halted abruptly. She examined all her electronics and saw them in the same state. Looking outside, there was absolutely no sign of life and many abandoned machines. A forcefield, she concluded.

As soon as she turned her eyes ahead of her, she noticed a few people, wearing a familiar uniform, walking towards her. She picked Caspian up and hopped out.

"Madam would you please follow us?" The blonde leading the group flashed her a polite smile.

"My stuff?" Amaria asked bewildered.

"You need not worry," she said. "Everything for your arrival has already been prepared." 

She still grabbed her backpack and reluctantly followed them. It wasn't until now that she was questioning her decisions. She picked up on the slight whirring when the group moved. But her throughts left her mind as soon as she gawked at every technophile's utopia.

"I'm Neoria." She turned towards the mechanical voice.

"Amaria." She shook the robot's hand. She heard beeps, as if it was processing something. Apparently it was her escort.

There it was again, the same sound, but now, it was everywhere. All her senses heightened. Something was wrong. No one else was accompanied by a robot. 

As if sensing his mother's apprehension, Caspian let out a shrill cry. Every single person froze and turned their gaze towards them. Amaria's eyes widened and she put his tootsie in his mouth.

A few days breezed past and the brunette couldn't be more grateful about witholding her qualifications from the city's chief.

Neoria wasn't her escort, it was Neo-Amaria, the robot designed to impersonate her. Filoral City's AI technology had reached another level, it worked on real human intelligence. But prodigious advancement didn't imply it was flawless. Neoria was Amaria too.

Amaria sneaked into the building which held all the humans captive and controlled all the robots, alongside Caspian and Neoria, who had been recoded. 

Turning off the security for more than seven minutes was impossible without alerting them. Venturing to the control room took five, including over fifteen robots being tased. 

She put earmuffs on their ears before commanding Neoria to start. A high-pitched voice rang throughout the supercity, breaking all the human-robot connections.

The panic-stricken chief rushed into the room and was soon lying dead with a bullet in his chest. Amaria never imagined her hands to be painted with blood, but knew it had to be done.

Filoral City needed to be transfigured and she would be the one to do it.

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