2: Valentines Card P1

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AU where Dean is a kindergarten teacher and Cas is pediatrician at the school.
The kindergarten is a prestigious school so there are walls surrounding the place.

Was inspired by a picture in the next chapter. (Not my pic)

This will have two parts(kinda got carried away). Only fluff on this shot.
Dean's POV:

I finish teaching the class as the bell rings and the kids run out of the doors for recess. I walk outside with them and watch as they play around in the playground. I look up and see someone new standing there, watching the kids.

Who is this guy?

I walk over to him and see that he's writing on a clipboard, focused. Actually, he's kind of hot. He has messy, short, black hair with glowing blue eyes. He has glasses on and keeps pushing them up as they slide off whenever he looks down to write on his clipboard. He's wearing a brown trench coat and white button up with a blue tie even though it's warm today.

"Excuse me, who are you?" I ask.

He looks up from his clipboard and pushes up his glasses. Cute.

"I'm sorry, are you a teacher here? My name is Castiel Novak, I'm the school's new pediatrician. I'm trying to decide on the lunch plans but I don't know any of their preferences and I can't tell which student is which. Would you mind helping?" Castiel says in one breath.

"You seem kind of overwhelmed," I say with a chuckle.

Castiel sighs, "I love children but, I have found that for once in my life, there is such a thing as too many children."

I laugh. I'm usually only able to laugh from something the kids do, but it's nice to have a conversation with another grown adult.

"They can be a handful sometimes." I look at the clipboard he's holding. "What are you writing?"

"Oh, I'm seeing if I can notice any physical abnormalities as they play." He pushes up his glasses again.

I look over and read his description:

Fem, blonde, pigtails, brown eyes- Flat foot?

Male, light brown, short, dark brown eyes,(red sweater)- ADD? Maybe just hyper

The rest was written in a shorthand that I couldn't read. I laughed.

"What?" Castiel asked me.

"Pigtails?" I ask while wheezing. He pouts adorably.

"I don't know who anyone is! You haven't even told me your name!" He defends himself.

"I'm Dean, Winchester." I look for Allison, the blonde girl with pigtails and point at her. "Is that the first girl on the list?" I say.

He focuses his eyes to where I'm pointing and nods. "Yes, the female with blonde hair, pigtails, and brown eyes."

"Her name is Allison Carter, she's allergic to all nuts and likes strawberries," I say as he writes it down.

"Thank you, would you mind telling me the other names as well?" He pleads me with his blue eyes. "I need to write it down on their medical histories."

"Sure. Do you mind if I call you Cas?" I ask him.

"Your more than welcome to," Cas tells me with a smile. "Would you mind working with me on the list during the kid's lunchtime?"

"It's no problem," I say as the bell rings.

I had two more classes before the bell rang for lunch. Adam walked up to me with a drawing in his hand.

"Look Mr.Winchester, I drew my family." His brown eyes bore into my head. The drawing was of him and his mom, he never really knew his dad, but Adam was a smart kid.

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