Part 1

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I found a little soapy seatop in our kitchen sink, and on it, a floating cup, and on that, a curious creature. - My wife loves bugs, but spiders, not so much. Beatles, ants, the occasional unidentified crawling guess whats. But spiders get to her nerves like shock therapy gets you out of shock therapy in a twitchy run. So I took a cloth, and then thought of its softness, possibility of dampness, and ok, it crossed my mind, she might've crawled towards me too. But damn, then what? - A spoon? Plate? That'd be unsanitary.

As I stood too busy to time how long the glare was, looking at Stevie The Spider I really didn't want to screw this all up. So I came up with a game plan. I would go out to the backyard, get a good stick and come back running before she tried something clever and make her a quick exit through the kitchen window. Seemed practical. So I went out, and got a good thin stick after vetting some ill prospects which might've had something else crawling in them too. This one was cool, thin, light toned wood, and not heavy at all. Not heavy enough to tip the balance in favor of Stevie just jumping onto something else. This stick would be the element of control, but to my surprise..

When I came back inside, my wife, Gloria was washing dishes. I was bummed for Stevie. Did Gloria gather the gutts to kill the first spider I ever liked, or did Stevie drown? - a horrible death I'd imagine. As I was finishing another minute of silence Gloria turned and saw me. She said "Hi Dear! You won't believe what I found just now!- that shirt you were looking for!" -(I didn't know which one). "bad news though, the kids fingerpainted all over it, and its been likely months since it was worn, and.."..all my wife's words were blurred out as I caught a glimpse of Stevie running for it like an eight legged Ronaldo towards the goal. Something was stuck on her leg like the ball, and well, my dog Pepper onto Stevie like the slower defense behind Ronaldo at the second half of the game.

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