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Tiny twig village has little history. Some say it just popped up out of nowhere, a city born overnight. It's population is made up mostly of amphibians who have always gotten along well over time. Some visitors come and go, but all in all a peaceful place to live. Has trouble been on the rise? Some would say yes, but not one resident has left their home. Yellow-head plans to keep it that way. The community has named Yellow-head its savior, its protector from all evil for as long as it has been known. But lately he has seen and felt a change, a rise of visitors more like it, some staying longer than usual. Today it was a gang of toxic toads, named Canes crew, who had overstayed their welcome. 

Yellow-head leaped from one top of building to another trying to keep up with the getaway car. All four of them had just robbed a strip of stores downtown. Yellow-head followed them to the end of town. They made a sudden stop where they were planning to switch cars, perfect time to intercept.

 "Hey guys, nice car, I like the color. Wow! That's a lot of money, you should really keep that in a bank, someone might steal it," Yellow-head said making sure he grabbed all their attention.

"Get lost slippy before you get hurt," the driver replied.

"You must be new in town. I'm in charge of collecting taxes on that money you got there. By the looks of it, I see six bags full, so looks like I'll be keeping one of them. Sound fair?" Yellow-head continued the act trying to get the leaders attention.

Canes crew consists of eight marine toads including his little brother, which helps lead the other half of the crew. Cane is the biggest of the giant toads and is very well considered the leader of the pack. Cane turned and headed towards Yellow-head picking up pace every step. Yellow-head quickly commented, "You must be in charge. I didn't get to introduce myself. My name is-"

Cane lunged himself at Yellow-head before he could finish his sentence. Yellow-head naturally reacted to his movement bending backwards, then using his own force along with a small nudge from Yellow-heads feet, sending Cane into the wall in the same direction he was heading. All three of Canes crew could hear the loud thud sound coming from across the alley.

"Like I was saying before," Yellow-head continued, " my name is Yellow-head, welcome to Tiny twig." With that said and one motion of his hand, his hand containing three poison darts, all three of Canes crew dropped to the floor not even knowing what hit them. Police sirens could be heard getting closer to the scene, "That's my cue," Yellow-head waived to the officers goodbye as he continued on. Canes crew had split up into two getaway cars, the other one was not too far out.

The other part of the crew contained Canes' little brother, Mickey, and his followers who cornered themselves in a warehouse. "Well, what do we have here," said Yellow-head surprised with what he saw. He found the crew having a hard time trying to get a hold of a frog who looked to be toying with them. He looked on with great interest from out the window. Who was this frog Yellow-head thought, he's fast, he's fearless and, whoa, he can take a punch. "Oh, oh. Looks like he got himself trapped in that closet," Yellow-head thought out loud, "we should probably help him out."

But just as he was about to approach the building he saw another frog on the other side of the building. He looked exactly the same, as the frog in the room across the warehouse. Where did he come from, and what is he doing? Is he planning to bring the building down? He took out the last supporting pillar bringing the place down on the toads barely making it out himself. Yellow-head was still trying to puzzle it together, who was the other frog and how did he know what to do, and what happened to the one trapped? Was it the same frog, but how? "Clever one here," Yellow-head told himself, "let's follow him."

Yellow-head followed him to his home all the way thinking it had to be the same frog. How else could he know to react so fast unless he was there the whole time, Yellow-head had already read the room and no one else was in the building. The other thing on his mind was that little hopper was having fun with those toads. This frog was one third the toads size and then there was four of them. Canes brother was twice the size of the other toads! Yellow-head was excited and curious to meet this kid. The one thing Yellow-head was still thinking, and more of a denial, was how he got to the other side of the building. It was not speed because that was faster than the speed of light, there could be other options but Yellow-head was thinking of one possibility, one specific outcome, but could it be?

Yellow-head was waiting outside of his place for the right moment. He didn't want to scare him but he definitely needed to introduce himself. A light turned on upstairs. "Let's go say hi," uttered Yellow-head as he jumped onto his open bedroom window.

Save her Freddy. Saviors. (Tree of Life Story #2)Where stories live. Discover now