Info i have found.

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I have found out that most victims are from ages 12-18
There isn't many adult victims which technically is very smart since people don't typically believe kids and most things can get away with that.
Most of the symptoms are seen in the victims but it varies on the person, it isn't straight forward.
Symptoms I have gathered are,

-The feeling of feeling sick/wanting to throw up
-seeing shadows or hearing voices.
-some nose bleeds, I have not seen victims cough up blood nor have massive nose bleeds.
-headaches, some victims don't have major headaches but some do.
-strange dreams, not many I've seen have had really bad nightmares.
-mood swings/getting irritated easily.
-not feeling the same.
-Amnesia, most victims have really bad amnesia and it comes out of nowhere.

I know there is more but I can't remember, some victims go through a lot and I have collected the ones most harmed or hunted are in houses.
I live in an apartment and not much happens to me besides hearing whispers or getting small cuts.
I think apartments are much harder to sneak into especially when you have no entry point besides the front door and porch with loud ass doors lol.

I have found a good article/book for backstories/uprising of CPs and I am currently reading it.

Any updates for me are-nothing much surprisingly-I have gathered plenty information and it's getting hard to find more information that I don't know.
I've heard whispers and I've seen HIM once not too long ago but I'm not sure it was HIM.
My friend hasn't been through a lot but my cousin is hearing a lot of voices they have never heard before.

I have also gathered that most victims now aren't going through much anymore and I wonder why..What are they planning???
That is if they are planning something.

Most victims also go through the forest plenty of times which is a big set up.
I myself would like to go in a forest but at the same time,I would not like to be abducted.
Besides, my mum would come running out the apartment with a chancla in her hand.

But something doesn't make sense, are they purposely showing themselves?
Victims have seen glimpses and even taken pictures which is strange because these people are extremely skilled.
Are they just trying to make them scared??
It would make sense but why risk exposure when that's why they are there in the first place.
They are trying to get rid of any exposure or anything so why risk more exposure??
I hope that makes sense.

Also, why stop now?
This month was supposed to be the most dangerous-Are they changing things around to become unpredictable.?
Who knows.

What's strange is that my mum has been getting symptoms and strange dreams, she said she has woken up with bruises with no recollection.
Her memory is also worsening and her memory didn't used to be this bad?.
I've seen victims say they have heard people around them have been gutted, stabbed, and hanged but I have tried to look through the news but I haven't found anything.
Either the theory is right or the victims are lying?.
But why lie abt it?
Just for attention?
Or is it simply the truth?
I myself think some of it isn't true but some are?

Luckily my device hasn't glitched that much and I am able to post this.

I will be writing more information gathering because this is actually quite fun.

Oh and my lizard died that we have had for almost-3 years and the lizard we have usually lives up to 7 years.
She grew sick and died early, may she be in peace and fly high.

Oh another thing, I was at a Halloween party and I was Tim just chillin with my cousin outside and this small kitten came up to us, just straight up came up to us and let us carry it while we fed it—My aunt adopted it and we named it Luna.

-Signing out, Mars.

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