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By fifth year, the two were inseparable. Arden would be skipping down the corridor, and would find regulus casually marching beside her, acting as if he didn't do anything, and she'd smile wide as she softly and excitedly tells him about her day while they walk to their tree. It was rare you'd find the two alone without the other. So one day at the start of the second term, when Sirius found Arden without his little brother, he knew something big definitely happened.

"Arden, are you alright?" he asked as he reached the rock she sat on in the courtyard. He heard sniffles as he neared her, and noticed her knees tucked to her chest. "I'm okay. Do you need anything?" she asked as she quickly wiped her tears. He sat beside her as she looked away. "why were you crying? And most importantly why aren't you with regulus? You two are like a sock and shoe." she looked at him with a 'really'? Look and he smiled sheepishly. "I wasn't crying. Its just, I know regulus. He likes his space, always quiet and alone. But he's always okay with me around, you know that right?" she asked and he nodded for her to continue. "Well, I noticed he's been a little distant to me lately, which means non-existent to others. I tried talking to him and he snapped at me. I told him if he needed space or time to tell me what was wrong it's fine, but he said what he needed was for me to leave him and his business alone. Now, I don't know what to do because that boy is my truest and probably only friend and I really care about him and I wish he'd understand how much I love him and want to help him and miss him to death!"

she cried as she exaggerated hand motions and then tucked her face into her elbow. Sirius rubbed her back as she quieted down, and looked at the clouds. He spoke up quietly as she silently begged the universe for help. "I think you should tell him what you just told me. How much you love and miss him. You jut want to help and mean no harm, right?" she nodded. "then tell him. Go tell regulus-" "tell me what?"


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