fan meet- mason thames imagine!!

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requested- no and she/her pronouns!
name: y/n
i'm going to meet the black phone cast!! it's 10 am and the fan meet starts at 2. i get out of bed and go to my bathroom and take a shower. once i'm done, i blow dry my hair and put it in a ponytail. i then go downstairs to grab some breakfast. i see my mom talking to someone in the living room. i come down quietly to not disturb them. as i'm walking, my mom stops me. "hey sweetie good morning. there's some breakfast on the stove" she says. i nod and go to the kitchen and grab some breakfast. i go back to my room and began to eat. i check the time and it's 11:15. i take my phone off the charger and text my friend
messages with friend👇
you- heyyyy
friend- hey y/n!
you- whatchu doin?
friend- nothing right now. my parents are on vacation rn so i'm home alone
you- you should come over!! i have to leave around 1:30 to head to the meet and great but i wanna see you first
friend- okay i'll be there in a few!
you- okay see you later
friend- byeee
i shut my phone off and take my plate downstairs. "mom is it alright if (friends name) comes over for a few?" i ask. my mom nods and i go to put my plate up. i go back upstairs to my room. i turn on my tv and watch some spongebob while waiting for my friend. a few minutes later, i hear a knock downstairs. i get up and speed downstairs. i open the door and immediately hug my friend. "heyyyy" i say. she says hey back and we head to my room. we sit on my bed and start talking. "sooo are you excited" she asks. "yes!! i can't wait to meet them. and i'm nervous too" i say. "i bet. let's watch a movie before you leave" she says. i nod and put in the black phone.
*a few mins later*
i check the time and it says 1. i get up and turn off the movie. "hey it's time for me to start getting ready. i'm so scared!" i say. "i bet you are, i would be too! well, im gonna head out now! see ya y/n" (friends name) says. i give her a hug and say bye. she leaves and i head to my bathroom. i brush my teeth, take my hair out of a ponytail, and put my makeup on. i did my favorite hairstyle because i wanna look good and not look bad. first impressions always matter.
once i'm done, go back to my room and pick an outfit to put on. i spray some perfume on too.
it's now 1:30 pm and takes around 15-20 minutes to get there. i grab my phone and go downstairs.
"mom i'm ready" i say. she nods and we go to the car
*time skip to the venue*
it's 1:50 when we get there. i put on my vip lanyard on and get out. i say bye and head inside. surprisingly, there's not as much people there as i thought there would be. i'm happy though because it'll be easier to get through.
i find my seat number and go to sit down. once i sit down, i take out my phone. it doesn't start til 2 and it's gonna be a few before i get up there. so i just get on tiktok until they began talking on the speakers. i put my phone in my back pocket and pay attention up front. as i look up, i feel like someone's looking at me. i turn my head a little bit and notice that mason is staring right at me!! i smile and wave at him which he does the same with me. i blush and look at the others.
after a few minutes, it begins. i wait my turn, which lasts around 20 minutes. once it is my turn, i take a deep breath and walk up. first person is mason, so i go up to him. i smile and say "hello! i'm y/n". he smiles back and says "hello y/n, that's a pretty name" which makes me blush. i grab my black phone poster and say "could you sign this please?". he nods and takes out a silver sharpie and signs his name. "thank you so much! i'm very proud of you and the others!" i say. "thank you y/n! we appreciate it very much. i'm glad you are a fan of us" he says. i smile and say "of course. me, my sister, and friend are big fans of you guys". "that's great to hear!" he says. i realize it's time to move on and frown. "well i have to go to miguel now. i don't know when i'll be able to meet you again but i hope it's soon!" i say. "bye y/n, im glad we met. you're very pretty by the way" he says. i blush and thank him and move on.
*time skip*
once i'm done with the meet and greet (also got pictures), i head to the vip section for people who can meet them again and have an actual full conversation with them. i sit down and wait for the time to start. once it's done, more people come in and take their seat.
the boys come in and greet us. each person has a limit of 6 minutes with their selected person. i of course picked mason because why not. once it was my turn, i go to mason. "i see you got the vip" he says. "yup, i had to beg for it" i say while laughing. he laughs too and we sit down. "so, anything you wanna talk about?" he asks. i think for a second and say "i'm not sure. i guess i'll just act like an interviewer" i laugh. he smiles and says "go ahead". i nod and think of a question. "what is it like being able to meet all your fans?" i ask. "honestly, it's amazing. i'm so thankful there are people who enjoy us and the movie. it's very moving and awesome. i would love to meet more of them" he says. i smile at his answer and say "that's so sweet mason. i'm glad you appreciate us. i'm glad you were able to pursue your dream". as i finish my sentence, my phone dings. "sorry let me check this real quick." he nods and i pull out my phone. i laugh and say "oh it's my best friend, she is want me to send a picture of me and you. is that okay?" "of course it is" he says. i smile and we take a selfie. i send it to her and shut my phone off. "we don't have much time left" i say and sigh. he looks and thinks for a second. he looks around in the room and grabs a piece of paper and a pen. he writes down something and gives it to me. "it's my number so we can talk more" he says. my eyes go wide and i say "a-are you sure about that? i'm not gonna leak it of course but that's pretty bold". he nods and says "yes i'm sure. i would like to get to know you more. you're special and that's why i gave it to you" he smiles. i nod and say "thank you mason, that's really sweet". the bodyguard comes up and tells us it's time for the next person. i sigh and nod and get up. "well i have to go now. i'll talk to you later" i say. he smiles and we hug one more time before i began to leave.
*time skip to home*
i get home and run up to my room. i put masons number in and let him know it's me. then i call my friend and tell her about everything. once we finish the call, i hang up and go downstairs to the kitchen. "today was so awesome. thank you so much mom for letting me do this" i say and give her a big hug. "of course y/n, im glad you had a great time" she says and smiles.
i really did have a great time!!
i'm think about doing a second part! should i?
edit- 11/28/22:: yes i'm making a part 2!

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