Get well Ma!

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Albert could hear his mother coughing when he walked through the door of his home after school. She didn't sound good. His father was still at the factory. The neighbor, Mrs. Waller was in the room with Beth. Albert was glad that at least someone was able to stay home with his mother while she was sick. "She can't go" Albert thought to himself. "I need my ma."  Albert put his things down and tried to go see his mother. He walked down the hall quietly, trying not to let Mrs. Waller hear him, otherwise she would tell him to stay away. The door was creaked open, so Beth would be visible from the hallway at the end of the door. He had almost made it to the master room when his 3 year old brother Max woke up from a nap. "Albert, I wanna see Mama too." Albert closed his eyes with an annoyed expression on his face. Mrs. Waller looked through the creak in the door. "Boys! You know you're not supposed to be in here. You can see your mother when your father gets home." She closed the door. Before walking back towards the living room, Albert and Max heard Beth cough really hard. "Your fever is going up Elizabeth...". That's all the boys heard before they reached the living room. 

"Did you have to come out right then? I was so close to seeing Ma." Albert asked, glaring down at Max. "Sorry." He says, looking down. Albert just rolls his eyes and gives his brother his after-nap milk. "Go play. When Dad gets home, maybe then we can see Ma." Max goes into his room to play after drinking his milk. Albert works on his homework while Mrs. Waller takes care of Beth. Around 5:00, Albert had to gather cooking supplies for his father, who would be home soon. Mr. Shaw was under a lot of stress ever since Beth caught tuberculosis. Beth made the best casseroles. Phillip Shaw did the best he could to follow her recipes but he didn't know Beth's cooking secrets. The door swung open, Albert quickly turned his head towards the door to see his father. "Hi Dad." He says. Phillip barely acknowledges his son. He takes off his coat and rushes to get a report from Mrs. Waller. "What do you mean she's getting worse?" Phillip nearly shouted from down the hall. Albert and Max could barely hear what Mrs. Waller was saying over Beth's nasty cough. "Fine, then we'll try to get her to a doctor." 

"Mr. Shaw, I must warn you, the hospital is flooded. The great depression is ruining many people's lives." She says, trying to calm him down. Mrs. Waller used to be a nurse, but she was nearly 57, so she had retired. She also knew how much Beth meant to Phillip so she was trying to give him hope. 

"Just help me get her into my car! I have to take her to a doctor. Now!" Mr. Shaw tried to lift Beth from the bed, but she was too weak to stand up. "Come on dear! We have to get you to a doctor!" Beth opened her eyes a little bit. "Phillip?" She whispered. "I need to see the boys." Phillip hesitated, but brought Albert and Max to see Beth. Beth was in a sitting up position on the bed. Her face was pale and her long blonde hair was a down. Albert rarely ever saw his mother without a hairstyle or curlers. She opened her eyes to acknowledge her family's presence. The boys were horrified to see their mother so ill. Max immediately started crying and ran to his mother's bed. He climbed up and cuddled her. Beth put her arm around him and caressed his cheek repeatedly. Albert approached her on the side of the bed and held her hand. "Get well Ma, please get well." Albert pleaded, trying not to let Max hear him tear up. 

"There there darling. Don't be afraid. No matter what happens to us, we'll always be together." She whispered, rubbing Albert's hand with her thumb. A tear cascaded down Albert's cheek as he leaned in to kiss Beth on the forehead. "I love you Ma." He says. "I love you too, Al. I always will." She turned over to Max. "It'll be alright Max." She lightly kissed him and leaned her head on him for a bit. 

Beth turned back to Albert, pulled him closer to him and kissed him on the cheek. Albert kneeled down beside the bed, still holding Beth's hand. Phillip picked up Max, set him on his lap, sitting beside Beth. She took Phillip's hand. "I don't want to lose you dear." He says. "It's okay darling. If I don't make it, I'll still be here in spirit." 

Albert started crying. "I don't want you to go." He cries. Max saw his brother's tears and cries too. Phillip wasn't sure how to comfort his sons. "I love you all." Beth says. "For as long as we love each other, we will never be separated." Beth's whisper got quieter and quieter. Phillip, Max and Albert leaned in for a family hug. They all pulled away just before Beth started coughing really hard. Mrs. Waller grabbed a cloth and dabbed her forehead. Beth put a hand on her head, indicating that she was getting tired. Albert and Max left the room while Mrs. Waller and Phillip helped Beth get comfortable so she could sleep. When they came out, Mrs. Waller helped Phillip cook dinner. 

Albert could barely eat. He was too depressed about his mother. He was flicking a piece of cabbage with his fork. "Al." Phillips says. Albert looked up at his father. "Stop playing with your food. Eat up." Mrs. Waller was preparing a broth for Beth, and gave Max some more milk. After dinner, Albert and Phillip cleaned up the kitchen. Albert helped Max get ready for bed, then started getting ready for bed himself. He put is school bag by the door when he walked Mrs. Waller to the door. Albert had a hard time falling asleep. He just stared out his window from his bed. It was a cloudy night, but the moonlight was still visible through the clouds. Albert finally fell asleep, but it only seemed like it was a few seconds when he woke up at 2:42 in the morning to hear Beth coughing worse than she ever has before. Albert jumped out of bed and ran to her room. Max was close behind him, holding a teddy bear and blanket. Phillip tried to shut the boys out of the room, but Beth insisted that he allow them in. 

Beth's face was pale like snow. She had clearly been sweating like crazy. Her fever hadn't improved and she could barely open her eyes. When she tried to speak, her words were hardly audible. Everyone could hear her say "I love you all" slowly and very quietly. Albert didn't think he'd hear it if anyone was talking. The wind picked up outside, distracting Albert and Max for a mere few seconds only to hear Phillip speak again. "Oh Beth!" He says, tearfully. Albert gasped and Max dropped his bear and blanket. Phillip was sobbing while holding Beth's hand. Albert caressed his mother's cheek. She was cold and motionless. He dropped to his knees, holding her hand and began crying. Max climbed up onto the bed next to his father and held on to Beth's lifeless body. This was the worst pain Albert had felt. Little did he know that he was in for much worse. 

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