"What about Moon?"

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Winter froze for a moment, then burst out laughing. "This is a joke, right? Good one, I'm surprised, I admit." He spread his wings, preparing to leap into the air. "Wait." Qibli said, holding his tail down. A look of seriousness spread across his face. "I'm not joking." 

There was an awkward pause in the air as even the birds stopped chirping to listen. "What?" Winter growled, taking a step back, feeling his face turn red. "It's complicated..I know.." Qibli said, shuffling his talons. "What about Moon?" Winter said, harshly. "Are you just going to abandon her? She doesn't deserve that, and you know it."

"Wait, let me explain..I- I could still be with Moon." Qibli said nervously. Winter snorted, and replied,  "I think you hit your head on one of the moons-" 

He was cut off by Qibli getting closer, pressing him into a large tree nearby. "No one has to know," he said softly, blinking slowly. Winter felt his face flush even harder and tried to run away. "Get away from me sand-snorter-" He was cut off by Qibli kissing him softly, twining his tail around Winter's. Winter quickly pushed him away, horrified. "You can't do that to Moon- that's- that's cheating!" 

"Is..is it cheating if no one knows?" Qibli asked, confused, looking as though this wasn't how he planned this out. "YES!" Winter roared, fury surging through him. Winter didn't want to admit he secretly had a crush on Qibli, he couldn't possibly do that to Moon. "Then, we don't have to date behind her back..if we talk to her, I- I know she'll understand." Qibli said quietly. "And, Winter.." He said, whispering into his ear, "I know you like me too." 

"That's- I- What- No-" Winter said, flustered. "Please, can I just kiss you now, Walrus-face?" Qibli said,  grinning. Winter hesitated for a moment, then realized that his heart told him.. "Alright, sand-snorter." Winter and Qibli leaned in slowly toward each other, pressing their lips together softly. 'I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay..' Winter thought, his emotions confusing him. His face blushed and he pressed himself closer to Qibli. Qibli wrapped his wings around him, his warm scales felt like the sun against his cold body. Winter moaned softly, opening and closing his mouth against his, their tongues pressing against the others'.

He felt a spark of love in his heart, as though it was melting away his grumpy, cold exterior. 'He's right..I do like him..maybe even love him.' Winter thought, swooning.

Qibli put one of his talons on Winter's back, and the other on his neck, pulling him closer, smiling softly. After a few more heartbeats, they quickly broke away, looking away awkwardly. 

"Don't you dare tell anyone about this, camel-eater." Winter growled. Qibli chuckled and took off, back toward Winter's hut, where Queen Snowfall and a few unfamiliar voices chatted. Winter stood there, rooted to the Earth for a moment longer, smiled a bit, then took off as well.

"Alright sand-snorter." ~A Qinter Story~Where stories live. Discover now