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Atwak Kingdom Third Person's POV

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Atwak Kingdom
Third Person's POV

Queen Kataerys rushed to her chambers as she felt the babies fight for their way out.

"My queen, are you alright?" A maid asks as her eyes opened wide, "Alina get the help, the queen is in labor" the maid says ushering another.

Kataerys kept her composure, as much pain as it was she didn't want to show it, the maid kept her shoulder under the queens hand and guided her toward the chambers .

When they arrived there some guards were standing outside and they immediately rushed to aid their queen.

Slowly they laid her down on the bed, "I'll send word to your husband my queen" the maid says as she rushed out of the room.

For the past two years, Westeros had been in peace, a peace they hadn't felt in a long time, Aemond tried his best to keep his kingdom in order, even the Dorne have agreed to usher peace despite the way they felt toward the Targaryens.

Aemond sat with the council as they discussed the happenings around Westeros, "my grace please permit me" a guard announces, The king nods, a letter was handed to him.

After reading the letter he abruptly stood up, "but my grace the meeting isn't over" a man says, but the king paid no attention to him.

He got on Lilith and began his week journey to Atwak.

Kataerys walked around her chambers as she sang to the baby in her hands, while the maid tended to the other, her first child was a girl, she had black hair with a streak of white running down the middle and her eyes were two different colors blue and purple. Her second child was a boy, he was just like his sister except his eyes color were hazel, the queen stared at her children and she adores them so much.

Aemond rushed into the chambers as soon as he arrived on Atwak, he stood by the door admiring his wife, she turn around when she felt his presence, "my love" he whispered making his way toward her, when he say his children his eyes soften, the maid handed Aemond the girl, and she bowed before leaving the chamber.

"They are beautiful" Aemond cooed, he was so gentle with them, he felt he'd break them if he moved so he stood still, Kataerys on the other hand was laughing at her husband, "you know you can breath right?" She asks, "they are destined for greatness, I can already see it" Aemond says.

The king and queen soon introduced their children to both kingdoms, the crowd cheered, Aemond stood closer to his wife, "what do you say we try for another one?" He asks, "perfect" she replies.

Time skip (200 hundred years later)

Kataerys would remain queen for a long time, before stepping down to allow her daughter to take the throne.

As a witch, she had immortality, a curse and sometimes a blessing, she had to watch everyone around her grow and then die.

She stood with the crowd at the dragon's pit as she watched her great-great-great grand son crowned as king of the iron throne, walking out she looked up as if searching for something.

After lighting some candles she set them down, her daughter who had the same fate as her sat by her, "you're ready to go aren't you?" Her daughter asks, she smiled, "my time has come to an end, when you reach a certain point you need to move to the next stage, mine isn't here with me still alive, soon it'd be your turn" the daughter pulled her mother into a hug, Kataerys stared at the paintings of her families, and then her husband, "we'll be together again soon my love" and with that she asked to the gods to take away her powers thus taking away her immortality.

A/n: thank you all for reading!. I'll improve better with the next books.

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