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- $ui<d@| thoughts implied


draco sat in utter defeat. his task? work the vanishing cabinet. but...

he can't even manage to do that...

draco sat on his knees with the cabins door wide open starring at the floor of it. there lay a dead bird that draco was supposed to bring back only it was supposed to be alive.

his eyes watered. it was all breaking him, every task, ever word was chipping away at his ablility to just be.

he can't do this

if he can't do this, bad things happen

and if bad things happen, bad things happen to him.

oh merlin. he can't do this. shit.

he's breathing became quick and short



kill him. kill him now. is all he could think. doesn't matter who it is. just do it.

"hey hey-"

draco hasn't moved his eyes at all and he won't, it doesn't matter who it is

something covered him and that's when draco panicked harder. he looked around but he could still see his surroundings. it was just....weird.

but of course right in front of him was that stupid gorgeous brunette boy that should kill him right on the spot. but they had...something. there isn't a name for it, just, something.

"dra. hey look at me, only me. breath."

draco nodded taking harry's lead. breathing in and out.

"harry?" heromie called out

draco flinched and wanted to run, forgetting the stupid wonderful invisible cloak that was over them. harry knew this boy better though. he grabbed his shoulders shoving him into his body. to some it was a hug, but it was just as powerful as a kiss.

"he must have followed malfoy out."

"he always runs off with out us."

"it's because you get in the way ron. let's go back and wait for him."

"we both know it's going to take forever. him and that blonde ferret."

"you're just jealous ron."

"JEALO-" the door shut behind them and no more was heard.


harry jumped kinda forgetting where he was.

"i...i can't do it. i'm a lost cause."

"no no dra, you know you have me, you know that. i get your family. really i do. if i where in your shoes i'd do the same. but i can always get you out of there. i can keep you safe. and you know that too. Narcissa wants to stay, draco you can't change tha-"

"no she doesn't! she's just scared! she'll realize!"

"draco. my love. it may be hard to believe but she loves your father, and she will do anything to protect him. just as i would do for you. she has to be a little selfish with her love life. so be a little with yours too."

"i already have the dark mark harry, i'm dead meat."

"you underestimate my power"

"i don't! im..im just...scared"

"i know my love, and i can't help that. but i can be with you ever step of the way."

draco silently thought to himself.

did he want to? of course. but that's just one more burden on harry, one more stone he has to carry along with hundreds of others.


harry caressed draco face. "draco you can't go back there. you know it"

draco said nothing. he couldn't get the words out.

"i can't....harry i can't"


"because!" he sobbed out. his hands covered his mouth not meaning to yell. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry"

"don't be."

"is it.....is it bad if i just want this to be over? i want to go back to let this nightmare go away"


"i'm serious harry! i can't keep living like this! but i can't let you take me on as a project. do you understand the struggles that will emerge. i can't just stop going to hogwarts. i have the mark, he could kill me at any time. you'd have to have 24/7 watch on me. you can't do that."

harry really didn't think about all this. but of course draco did, draco was the one with the brain not harry.

harry let out a deep sigh and placed his head on draco's shoulder. "you're right" he whispered not wanting to believe it.

draco pet and played with harry's hair. "we'll just have to continue doing what we where doing"

"but that means not talking to you"

"it's just...it's the best way to protect each other"

again harry hated that draco was right.

draco raised harry's head. "if we make it out of this alive, maybe then...we can figure something out. even if i'm in azkaban"


draco tilted his head. "hm?"

"not if, when, when we make it out and you won't go to azkaban. over my dead body"

harry didn't need to know what draco was thinking, that both of those things where entirely possible. azkaban and dead body. but harry chose to ignore that one.

draco gave a sweet smile and harry couldn't help himself.

he sprung forward placing his lips on draco's. draco let it happen, not knowing if it would ever happen again, soaking up this last good moment for a while.

he held harry close by the neck while harry held him by the waist.

the kiss was so desperate, like their lives where on the line right now. to some extent they where, but also right now, and just for right now, it all felt good.

in harry's arms

in draco's arms

lips attached

it felt right.

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