Chapter 1

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This life started with nothing. Wait, it can't start with nothing, can it? She listens, metal grinding against metal, that's not nothing, the ground beneath her is solid, steady, but moving. The air around her is cold, stale. She opened her eyes to darkness, occasionally light flashes by as she moves upwards. The room she finds herself in is small, by the look and feel of it, it's made of metal.

What the hell, she thought to herself, almost drowned out by the loud sounds of what she assumed were chains and pulleys, which lifted the little room higher towards it's unknown destination. I'm Hawk. She thought calmly.

She didn't know how she could possibly be this calm, as that was all she knew, just her name, well and she knew she was a girl and that for some reason she was basically in a moving box, she knew facts, not memories. She knew that eventually this room would stop moving and she would arrive at her destination, but she didn't know why she was in this room or who put her there. She knew she was Hawk, but she didn't know who Hawk was and she still couldn't quite figure out why she was so calm about not knowing anything.

She sat in the corner of the small room with her legs stretched out directly in front of her and looked up again. She knew she couldn't be in here forever, but how long had she been? She didn't really care but she wanted something to think about as the room continued to climb up into oblivion. She closed her eyes and tried to picture something, anything.

She could picture skyscrapers standing tall, airplanes soaring over little cities, flowers bending in the wind, people experiencing joy like none other, but no one specific. Nothing personal, at least not that she knew of. She felt like an encyclopedia personified, all this knowledge but it was tied to nothing. She desperately reached to every corner of her brain for some semblance of a memory or personal relic, nothing.

After a while she gave up, she found herself again with nothing to think about. She thought it best not to speculate on what was waiting for her when the room stopped moving, she didn't want to be disappointed when she arrived. She couldn't think of what she had left behind because she didn't know.

She wondered why she was still calm although plenty of time had passed, she estimated about 20 minutes. How could she sit here and not worry about what was to come when the room stopped, when she would be forced to deal with whatever was on the other side when she got there. She could be forced into countless horrific scenarios when the room stopped and she knew that and yet, she was still calm, she was more worried about her lack of care than worried about what she would be forced to face. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her arms on top of them, chin digging into her forearm. She let out a deep breath of air and wondered how much longer she would be in the small room.

Almost as if on queue the room abruptly halted. She put her arms out to catch herself from the sudden stop. The room was now completely silent except for her breathing, which quickly became uneasy. The room was too dark to see anything, which combined with the silence made her start to panic, but just slightly. She tried desperately to even her breaths in the hope of regaining her worry free mindset she had just moments before.

Suddenly a loud clank echoed around the room. She looked up as light started pouring into the room, she squinted and continued to look up at the figures above her even though her eyes burned from the stark change from dark to light. She couldn't quite tell what was happening but the figures moved around talking amongst themselves.

"What does he look like"

"Someone should go check him out"

"Why does he have long hair"

"Guys that's a girl."

"Well that's new"

She just stared at them as they continued to talk like she was an animal in a zoo exhibit, another thing she knew of but had no memories of ever going to, being there, surrounded by family or friends. As her eyes adjusted she could see the figures walking around the opening above her, one suddenly addressing her..

Hawk: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now