~ Chapter Two ~

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"Sup' Harry!" I waved at him as he entered the room, behind him were two people I had never seen before a man and a women with crazy hair. I also saw two familiar faces, Lupin and Moody.

Harry nodded back at me as I smiled at the other people entering behind him.

"So how'd it go," George started looking over at Harry.

"What happened?" Fred finished looking over at Harry for an answer.

"Fine." Harry muttered but, his face turned pale and he looked down at the floor.

"Hey Harry looks tired..." I started trying to change the subject. "Ginny why don't you take him to his room," I suggested and she nodded taking his hand and leading him away.

As soon as they had disappeared the woman in the hall stepped forward with her hand outstretched.

"Wotcher Leah, I'm Tonks," She smiled shaking my hand then pulling me into a tight hug, her hair turning a bubblegum pink as she let me go smiling at me.

"Hi," I greeted her and the others as they made their way through the house and towards the kitchen where Mrs Weasley was cooking and Mr Weasley was sat talking to her about the function of a muggle 'rubber duck'.

"Boys, Leah, could you leave us for a bit we have some things to discuss." Mrs Weasley asked us ushering us out of the now crowded kitchen.

"What is happening?" I asked her confused at all the secrets everyone seemed to be keeping.

"You're too young to know dear, I'm sorry. I'll call you down later when tea is ready, now off with the lot of you."

I nodded even though I was still completely clueless. As if to make the situation more confusing the front door opened and in walked a very familiar face.

"Snape?" I uttered as he walked past swishing his cloak.

"Professor, Snape." He spat as he continued on down the hall towards the kitchen.

"Professor Snape." George imitated putting on Snape's nasally voice as we walked up the stairs together. I laughed at him shaking my head as he imitated Snapes swish of the cloak with his jumper sleeve.

"What are they all doing here anyway?" I asked looking between both of the twins who looked equally confused as I did.

"Do you want to find out?" Fred asked mischievously.

"No I asked because I don't want to find out." I deadpanned earning a shove from Fred and a snort from George.

"Come on just follow me I have an idea." Fred said making his way towards his and George's room.


"Can you hear anything?" Ron hissed.

"Not with you whining in my ear I can't," George hissed back elbowing Ron and adjusting the height of the extendable ear and holding it out for everyone to hear.

Not much could be heard through the ear but every so often there was a muffled mention of Harry's name at which everyone went silent and turned to look at him slowly.

Suddenly there was a loud hiss and the ear was yanked from the bottom of the staircase. I jumped thinking we had been caught but then noticed who was actually behind the sabotage.

"Crookshanks..." Hermione hissed from the top of the staircase beckoning for her cat to come to her where she was situated at the top of the stairs.

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