Chapter 2.

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Allie POV.

I'm currently looking at photos of Ms Tilly trying to get inspired for her painting.

Jennifer“ So tell me Sweetie you got any family?

Allie“ I had a brother he was my closest friend until he went missing.

Jennifer“ Oh what was-.

We hear knocking at the door and she gives me a gesture to wait I nod and watch her answer the door.

I go to the kitchen and grab a bottle of ice tea, I start to hear crying coming from upstairs.

Allie“ *confused* What's-.

Jennifer“ Oh Allie your equipment has arrived.

Allie“ Ok *looks up*.

I walk into the living room and see my stuff I smile and see my records.

I sit down and look at photos again Ms Tilly sits beside me and turns on the TV.

Jennifer“ Oh look how amazing I look.

I look at the TV and chuckle didn't know actresses like watching themselves.

Allie“ Your very talented.

Jennifer“ I know *laughs* anyway you didn't tell me who your brother is.

Allie“ Oh *chuckles* You'll probably fire me when you hear the name.

Jennifer“ I doubt that go on tell me.

Allie“ You sure?

Jennifer“ Sure as honey sweetface.

Allie“ Charles Lee Ray but he preferred Chucky.

Jennifer“ Wait your brother was Chucky!?

Allie“ Yeah? You know him?

Jennifer“ *chuckles* You could say that.

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