Hurt Pt. 3

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Garth trudged into his room after finally cleaning up the whole of the front. His arms hurt, his head hurt, and they definitely need to buy more dish soap, along with a new spraying sweeper-mop. But those problems could wait, he had a somewhat comfortable bed awaiting him. Or, he did.

Curled up in his bed, cuddling his pillow, and flopped over top of his blanket, was Brin. The asshole was taking up the entire thing and then some, back paws hanging over the side. There was exactly three feet of open space on the mattress, and there was no way he was even going to attempt that.

"You son of a bastard! That's my bed!" He knew he was being childish, but damnit, he'd been looking forward to this for the past four hours! And sure, he could go and sleep in Brin's bed, but it was the principle of it! Garth stormed up to the wolf and poked the little divot under his nose, making him snort and bat at the human. "I take care of you, and this is how you repay me?"

Amber slits gleamed in the dark on the other end of the snout he'd been poking, and something in the back of his mind told him he probably shouldn't be provoking a predator that could make a bear piss itself; but Garth had never got anywhere in life without his time-honored, self-endangering stunts, so it was easily ignored.

Instead of getting his hand bit off, however, claws came and wrapped around his chest like he was a mere soda can. Brin easily lifted him off the ground and for one freaky second, the human was suspended by his armpits. Just as quick, he was squashed face-first into a furry chest, trapped by heavy arms and encased in a rumbling purr.

The wolf was warm, like a fuzzy, touchable radiator, and it truly was a nice feeling on sore muscles -if you don't count his head being cocked at a funky angle or the itch when silky fur got rubbed the wrong way.

"B, my dude, please lemme go. I'm gonna suffocate." Brin scoffed at that and turned over on his side, hold loosening just enough for Garth to squirm the way he wanted, but not enough to escape. It took a minute, but then they were back-to-chest with the wolf purring contentedly, oblivious to how strange the situation was. And from how fast Garth's eyes drooped, the human supposed he was pretty oblivious too.

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