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Kiara P.O.V

I ate my last piece of apple as I looked around the nearly empty lunch hall. Taking in the peaceful silence that only ever reigned that hall during the holidays. It wasn't the first time I had to spend the holidays at Beachside, but it had been the longest I'd ever been here alone for sure. The boys tried to convince their parents for them to come back earlier but they all said no. Pope's parents wanted him spending some quality time with them, John B's dad liked doing father-son bonding trips that usually took place during the summer holidays and JJ had to help around the restaurant his dad had bought a few years back. 

My parents were in Africa, trying to cure some other disease they haven't yet cured. It's not that I wasn't proud of them, I was but I hadn't seen them in person in almost 3 years. I gave a quick smile to Emily, a little girl who had also spent her summer holidays here, as I left the hall and walked up the stairs. I had been living here for  years, yet every time I took the time to look around I was amazed by the incredible architecture that surrounded me. 

'Room 202'. That was my room. It had always been my room, the roommates had come and gone but my side of the room had never changed. I still had the secret love hearts JJ used to draw for me when we were little hidden under a poster and the secret messages John B and Pope used to leave for me on the wall under my bed when they would leave for the holidays without me. I took my phone from my bedside, enjoying my last free moments with it in my hand and called the boys, like we did every night. 

"KIEEEEE" John B's voice echoed in the silence of the night as he connected first. 

"What's up" I smiled as Pope joined in too. 

"Are you ready for that so treasured silence to be gone?" 

"I've never been so ready" I said truthfully. Both of them pouted at me. 

"You really miss us, don't you?"

"So bloody much" I looked at JJ's name on the screen with the 'calling' sign over his profile pic. 

"I'm pretty sure he said the had to work tonight Kie" Pope laughed. 

"Yeah, he told me when I called him at lunch time, he was very busy, barely talked to him 2 minutes" 

"You'll be tired of us in no time" 

We talked for a good half an hour before they had to leave. I put my headphones in and turned the music right up. 

'Cause all of the small things that you do 

Are what remind me why I fell for you 

And when we're apart, and I'm missing youI close my eyes and all I see is you 

And the small things you do'

I sang along to the words of that song that always reminded me of him, not only because of the words but because of when he had showed it to her. 

A message from Pope lit up her screen. 


Kieeeeeeeee    10:17 p.m.

haveeeeeee youu doneee that proyecttttt that mr ritz asked for tomorrow?????? 10:18 p.m

"Shit" I cursed as I got up from my bed and opened the door running to the library. It was closed and I was 12 minutes from curfew but If I turned up to Mr Ritz's class tomorrow without that project  I was dead meat.

I quickly looked for photos and started writing the essay about my 'fake' summer. As I typed and enjoyed the keyboard sound a creak at the door made me jump. I wasn't easily scared but counting with me there were literally 7 kids in the school and 5 of them under 12 so they had to be asleep by now. 

As I started hearing the floor creak I got really scared, I quietly turned the screen off and hid under the table. I tried to convince myself that it was just a teacher making sure that no one was in there but even if it was if they found me there I would be grounded so i kept quiet and watched the shadow getting  closer to me. It walked slowly towards me. 

"Kiara Carrera get out of there and kiss me right now" 

No, it couldn't be. Tears started falling down my cheeks as I crawled out from under the table and ran into his arms wrapping my legs around his body. 

"I missed you too" He whispered into my ear shyly. 

I pulled my head back smiling at him, he smiled back and I kissed him. I kissed him for all those times I had wanted to that summer but hadn't been able too. 

"You scared me you idiot" I hit him as he settled me down on the table, with him in between my legs. "What are you doing here?" 

"I wasn't going to give up the opportunity of having you all for me one night before our friends came to crash the party" We both smiled as we looked at eachother. 

"How did you get into the school?" I asked knowing that the security guard who opened and closed the front door was out for the night and the only other person who had the keys was Miss Richmond who had been fast asleep sin 7 P.M.

"I jumped the gate" he smiled biting his lip. 

"JJ MAYBANK" I told him off "You know that if you have one more infraction they're kicking you out" 

"Shut up Carrera" he laughed playfully. 

"Shut me up" I saw how his eyes changed and he pushed me back on the table until he was on top of me kissing down my neck. 

"JJ, this is not the place" I tried getting out but the bastard knew what he was doing "I need to finish my project" 

"Kie, if you want me to stop you just need to say it" he played lifting his head to look straight at my eyes. 

"You're an idiot" He laughed and carried on his trail of kisses.


I don't even know if anyone will read this, if you did, did you like it. Do you want smut in this fanfic or do your prefer it to be "clean".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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