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"Leonardo! Where have you been all this while?! Do you know how worried we were?" My mother screams at me... Here we go again..
" I just went to get some fresh air mother" I say plainly...
" Some fresh air you say?! What kind of idiot will be recieving fresh air past midnight?!" She yells.. Just then,my mother's husband comes to stand beside her, and I can feel myself burning in anger..
"Yes Leonardo.. we-"
" It's Kazzor to you Erik" I snap..
" Apologies Kazzor, we were worried about you.. your mother and I, I wanted to even.."
" Don't even start acting like a father to me... Because you are NOT my father, Erik" I snap again...
"Leonardo! Don't speak to him in that manner! He's your.."
" Your husband.. he's your husband, mother. And my supposed step-father" I say angrily and start walking away, then half when she says,

" One day Leo, one day. You'll see that just being king isn't enough, you'll realise your Kate father would never want this behaviour of yours. Where is my Leo? Is he still in there? Because if he is.. i-i cannot find him. Please Leonardo, I need the former Leonardo back, I know you are still there."

" I need to go to bed, mother. I'll see you tomorrow " I say and walk to my room.

  Totally ignoring my mother's long speech, I think of Astarra. Of all things to think of, my mind chose her...
That's totally normal..


I've been here for two weeks now and I haven't even seen a sign that shows who Kazzor may be. When I ask people, they become scared and tell me not to ask them such ever again.
  The only response I got, was from the motel owner... Who told me he's always in mask and no one knows who he really is behind it. Not even the other Elites.

Just great.
This guy is really something in this place, I can't believe I've spent two whole weeks here and I still haven't made any progress.. I need a break...

I decide to take a walk again... But not to look for Kazzor this time.. just to explore..
   Walking through town, I notice everyone is happy here, not a single beggar on the street, as if everyone is comfortable with their lives here... Except their king is a douche bag... Children playing around, couples making out on the street, gross but cute... Magicians performing tricks which almost everyone can perform. This place is... Peaceful, how on Earth is this place peaceful and their king's aura screams war?
       My exploration has now left me wandering aimlessly on the street, I know I'm lost, yet, I just can't help but to keep going..
      It's getting late and I'm still wandering almost totally dark and I'm not ready to go back to the motel, the boring motel.
     Along the path I'm taking, I see a lake that illuminates a blue-green ombre glow.. like a thousand beautiful lamps have been lit under the water.. I've never seen anything like it before...

It looks so... Relaxing and calming.

There are countless fireflies, shining around.. it's too good to be true..

And there's... A guy?
My lips make a slight turn as I know who it is ..
When I saw his face the last time, I was stunned... He looked so beautiful....a black ring at the edge of his lower lip, his eyebrow had an 'X' cut, he had an upturned nose, his lips were really pink.. seriously, I would kill to have them, and don't even get me started on the jawline... So perfect, the shape of his eyes too are so captivating...
Those almond shaped eyes are to die for.. so captivating.. his emerald iris gives of a really intimidating aura and I can't help but stare into them ...

I snap back to reality and spot his dimpled smile from where he was ...

"You know I can still hear your thoughts from here Astarra"

Oh Shit..

"H-hi Leo" I chuckle awkwardly and facepalm myself..what the hell is wrong with me? " How did you know I was the one?" I asked smiling..

The lake illuminates it's light to his face, making him stand out more as it blends with his eyes... This guy is going to be the death of me.
"Your thoughts are extremely crazy and weird, and I can obviously hear your voice in your thoughts.." he says as I come to sit with him on the grass, I watch him stare into the lake..
"Oh, I forgot" I laugh and he laughs back, oh wow.. he laughed back...

"Astarraa" he drags and chuckles...
"What? I can't help it, you just have to block yourself from hearing my thoughts, you're going to be creeped out" I laugh..
" Well, that's not the only thought I've heard though, I've heard worse,... And you do know I saw you fight those human traffickers "..
He says and stare at me..


Is this a cliffhanger...
It's not right?🙂..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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