Odd reunion

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  "What a Pathetic excuse for a man!" Stella blurted out with a sadistic smile about her face as she walked off along side her two "friends" whilst staring dead at me, to show what little empathy she had. 'What a pathetic excuse for a party.' That thought ran through my head, really if you wanted to throw one just to celebrate the fact we haven't torn each other apart yet, well then you may as well just say that this party is nothing more than a way to gather up some friends and relatives to insult me with.

  Now I know you're wondering what's going on here? Why am I and this lady named Stella are we speaking ill of each other? To simply explain, Stella is my arranged wife to both our dismay, the two of us were forced to marry to create a precautionary heir to the Goetia family like locking a hunting dog and a leopard in a small cage. Worse is that even though the heir was produced, that being my daughter Octavia, and the fact we despise one and another, Stella would rather stay married to continue watching me suffer in bitter silence. Not only that but undoubtedly if we did get divorce this would not be the end of my humiliation. The only true way out of this nightmare I find myself in, would be if Stella perishes of natural causes. Now I'm not one to think of such terrible things especially toward someone, however if she can imagine awful things about me then I can do this same about her.

  My mind begins to think of ways she could lose her life, falling down the stairs, accidentally crashing in a car, normal everyday things that could turn lethal in seconds and allow me to finally drop this mask I have adorn everyday, so may Octavia not have to listen to us argue. However my mind began to conjure increasingly more disturbing scenarios, each one more horrifying than the last. It comes to a point where I had to ask an imp servant to fetch me the strongest drink we have which was absinthe, to drown out these twisted thoughts and get my senses back on track. They bowed before running off to retrieve some, however as they were talking with a fellow servant, the doors to the ball room suddenly swung wide open and a cold breeze envelop the room drawing everyone's attention to the door.

  A familiar voice called out, one I and Stella immediately recognize, "Well sheesh someone could've at least give me a warning before they throw a party without me!" Out from the shadows came Stella's snarky ass brother, Andrealphus. I won't dwell on who he is for too long, all you need to know is that he is irrefutably worse than Stella. Where she will insult you and make fun of you for the simplest of mistakes, he will warp what you say and dig deep into your past to reopen old wounds to cause you as much dismay, even going so far as to make up false rumors to further hurt you mentally. He snatched the glass I had given to the servant before sending them off to obtain a bottle of absinthe, which I apologise for not mentioning since it was irrelevant at the time and had another servant pour some red wine into it.

  Stella right away went over to Andrealphus with a genuinely curious smile, he rarely at all visits us and when he does it's usually something more intwine with him. "Andrealphus! What are you doing here? I thought you hated parties like these?" Stella asked as he took a sip of his red wine, as he explained his reasoning to be here.

  "Well you should know I love parties regardless of quality, but in truth I came here because I had something special planned for you and your husband that I don't think can wait any longer." Something special planned for us? A part of me immediately started to think of what he was talking about, all we knew it could be an humorous way to mock both of us or he was just using that as an excuse to pay a visit. 

  "And what might that be?" With Stella presenting her question, Andrealphus took a sip of his red wine before elaborating further on he meant.

  "I hired this jester that is quite popular among the locals down in the ring of wrath, and I have to admit after seeing a few of his performances I think you two equally will enjoy him." Stella and I quickly knew where this disaster rodeo was going, a jester hired to mock us both equally for our hatred toward each other. Stella even called him out.

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