The Red Coffee Shop

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A/N, Please Read: 
Hi everyone! So, Flame here. I know that you guys voted on Apex Predator more than BSOMCCRLYE but AP is currently on hold due to some complications and this fic has been updated a lot more recently, so I decided to just do this one instead. 

Warnings: Swearing, graphic depictions of violence (in later chapters), murder, some light amounts of toxic behavior (it's TNT Duo, I don't know what you're expecting), and a frankly ridiculous amount of fluff because it is a coffee shop AU. However, it is also a mafia AU. There is a chapter that has a warehouse full of dead, rotting bodies in one scene. There is occasional obligatory mafia-typical violence. So just be careful as you're reading and if you start to feel uncomfortable, don't force yourself to keep going. I'll mark where any really bad bits are but there aren't many in this book. 

Insert your obligatory 'this story is about the characters not the content creators' speech here. Don't ship real people. And be aware that this thing will update decently infrequently.

This story's existence is thanks to my wonderful co-writer for this fic: ShiroShiYuki, otherwise known as KatelynKitsuneSnow, a member of my Discord server who's affectionately nicknamed my impulse since they always encourage me to make new fics and keep going with my multiple projects. She's a being of a chaos who gives no shits so long as she gets more content. So everyone say thank you to Kate for this wonderful gem of a book! 

Now then, enjoy! 


Quackity just wanted his goddamn coffee. Was that so much to ask?

He swears, every place he starts frequenting always ends up getting caught up in a gang war.

Hell it wasn't even his gang half the time! He's been on the other side of the damn city for good coffee and the local gangs started shit leading to the shop being closed down due to a lack of customers. Plus police investigations happened frequently at the place, driving out a lot of the business.

It was irritating, having to find a new place every single time.

He could just get the cheap stuff at a fast food joint, but for fucks sake, he was a professional! He had standards!

The boss of The Las Nevadas Mafia would kill for a good cup of coffee.

Believe him, he's killed for less.

The city was rampant with crime and gang activity. From the mysterious Syndicate in the North to the larger faction of the SMP Mafia, no matter where you were, you were probably on the territory of some gang.

The police had basically given up at this point. Most buried up to their ears in hush money and the rest just being incompetent or not smart enough. Sure, occasionally there was an attempt.

But more often than not it was a poor excuse for one and the bastard that tried ended up with a bullet between his eyes.

Quackity would know, he's fired the gun more often than once on fools like that.

Does he regret anything he's done? Absolutely not. So long as whatever god was up there continued to let him live, he would continue to make it everyone's problem.

The Las Nevadas Mafia was not one to be trifled with, and there was a goddamn reason for that. You don't fuck with shrike's territory after all, they weren't called Butcher Birds for no reason.

But first, he needed his coffee.

Slime, a younger hybrid who had been working under Quackity for a few months now, suggested this one place that had managed to stay afloat for about a year or so.

Blood Smeared on My Coffee Cup, Red Like Your Eyes (Quackbur)Where stories live. Discover now