Chapter 2: Wilbur Soot is a Man Who You Will Not Win a Trivia War Against

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Quackity did end up as a regular at The Scarlet Brew.

It was really fucking good coffee, okay? Don't judge him, he doesn't have a problem.

By this point he's sampled a majority of the menu since Wilbur does encourage his customers to be adventurous in their decisions. But the shrike-hybrid was extremely fond of the barista's signature Crimson Brew. The stuff was a godsend in the mornings when he needed his pick-me-up.

Wilbur also makes a mean Iced Mocha, which was probably Quackity's second favorite thing on the menu.

He would pop in at random times in the morning. Sometimes ranging from a few minutes after the shop opens its doors to the morning rush hour.

Wilbur's shop was pretty busy in the mornings; especially with people rushing to work and trying to grab something to wake up with. But lots of people lingered in the shop to just hang out. Quackity liked getting there before the morning rush, because sometimes he'd get to see Wilbur doing something funny.

Like what he was doing right now. He had some headphones on and was tidying up around the shop, singing some tune from a musical.

The shrike-hybrid chuckled, leaning against the door and waiting to see how long it would take the shop owner to notice him.

He had a theory that Wilbur probably did theater at some point in his school career. It was just a hunch based on how the barista was dancing around the shop with fluid motions that captured the eye. Also the amount of musical theater references he's heard from this man over his few visits to the shop just screamed theater brat.

Not only that, but there was an incident a few days ago during one of Quackity's visits.

It had been a normal visit by all means until these two customers started arguing about a song in a musical behind the mafia boss at one of the tables. Something or other about the timestamp on an official recording of the play.

Wilbur had jumped in, said they were both wrong, listed the date the song was first sung, the exact time and date of when the musical first hit Broadway, listed the name of all the actors that were involved in that specific musical number.

And then he said the timestamp they were looking for.

When they both gave him confused and shocked looks, he said, and Quackity quotes, "Well? Look it up, pussy. I dare you."

But that wasn't even the first time Wilbur had displayed the most random of knowledge.

Quackity was determined to get that free coffee, so he had spent some free time looking up obscure trivia facts.

Wilbur knew every single fact he listed and shot back with even more detailed facts about the subject.

It was frankly terrifying.

Everything from animal facts, to history, Wilbur seemed to know it all.

Speaking of the barista, it seems he finally noticed Quackity's presence, jumping slightly when he looked up to see him.

"Ack! Quackity! Hi hello," he took a breath, pulling down his headphones and smiling. "Geez, how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to come to the conclusion that you're definitely a theater brat," the shrike-hybrid teased.

Wilbur laughed a little, "Okay, yeah. You caught me. I did theater back in high school. Did you know that there have been over three hundred Broadway musicals? Most people can't even list eleven."

The shop owner beckoned the mafia boss over and gestured for him to take a seat.

"So what can I get for you today, Big Q?" He questioned as the shorter took a seat. "Feeling like something new or are you sticking with your usual?"

Blood Smeared on My Coffee Cup, Red Like Your Eyes (Quackbur)Where stories live. Discover now