Chapter One

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As his mind floods with freakishly old memories of Paul and him, Matt felt ashamed of himself, arguing with his best friend over the phone.

"That's the thing about you, you never see how anybody else sees, Matt, you always play the victim, I could fall on the ground right now with my heart failing, and you would still think of the time when I took eight weeks to pay you back from what you spent on me at that movie theater. Matt, I love you, man, I really do, even so..

..I don't think we have a healthy relationship."

After noticing Matt's lack of remarks, he sighs, deciding to continue on despite already regretting going into this much detail.

"You're amazing, Matt, I love hanging out with you, everything you do is admirable to me, all this time, you have had no idea of just how much you've saved me. Without even knowing, you gave me the ability to see the light of things I didn't even know had light."

All the words Matt was thinking has left him at this point, waking up from the past world he's been living in for the majority of his adult years, reality hits him. This wasn't the Paul he knew. He wasn't the Matt he remembered. Matt was suddenly facing his first day of school again, his only comfort being some kid he just met. Out of nowhere, the kid who gave Matt reassurance, support and genuine kindness, was fading out of sight. Instead of the friend that was always there for Matt, was a voice filled with compassion, although basically everything was lost on Matt, the situation was clear to him now:

Paul, the only person who understood Matt, was regretting ever being a part of his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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