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     Her name was Maria, she was young, yet she acted mature for her age. She has black hair, light brown skin that glowed in the sunlight. She had light freckles that spread across her body. She was what most would call a dream. Yet he'd fallen for a guy that most would think was unthinkable. But to her, he was the glazed donut that stood out amongst the chocolate donuts.

     He had a creamy brown skin, always tan. He was brunette, though it looked like it had been dyed at one point, since his ends were a dirty blond. Always dressed properly, since he was a businessman. Many would think he was in his mid 30's, but that wasn't the case. He however did not see her the way she saw him. He thought of her in a more friendly way. She didn't stand out to him like she did others.

     As it was one sided. She was a bit hurt, but in the end. He loved her just as much as she loved him. Though at the end of the day, she never knew what was in store for her.

Read more to know the rest.. TO BE CONTINUED!!

AUTHOR NOTE!! once we get more into the story, there will be more written down. Also i'm not telling you the guys name just get. hehe you'll have to find out.

Point the gun, and pull the trigger.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt