Chapter Three

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Dexters eyes opened. He took in the fact he was laying on a cool hard surface. Looking up, he saw bright neon blue & pink lights illuminating the room he was in. There were booths & tables all over the place. A restaurant? Why would he be in a restaurant of all places... He heard voices talking, he turned his head, which was seemingly the only part he could move, to the side to look at who they were coming from.

If he were able to, he would've screamed if his vocal coard were as awake as his brain was. He saw a... Thing, sitting at a table facing him. It was covered in scaly iridescent skin, ears that looked like those of elves, & it had something around its neck. If it weren't for the fact it was moving, he would've thought it was a weird skin [well.. That things skin] colored necklace. It looked like an even scarier humanoid vampire bat, while it wasn't looking at him, he still felt as though its deep black eyes were staring into his soul. Next to it, was someone more normal looking. She had a big afro, a flower crown ontop, a light green dress, lots of flowery bracelets & a big set of wings behind her. Dexter didn't know why, but she looked familiar. He couldn't make out the others there.

Dexter looked down to his left & saw the familiar pink clothing of his friend, Paxton, lying next to him, still unconscious. He tried to move his hand to shake him, but his body would barely move. It was like when you wake up paralyzed at night. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move. It felt like the more he tried to move, the harder it was to do so.

"One of them's awake!" Someone shouted. All eyes were now on Dexter. He felt like he was gonna vomit. They all stood up & made their way over to him. He wanted to run & hide, but he still couldn't move, even if he could, he had no idea where he was, so they'd probably find him anyway.

He finally got a good look at the ones he couldn't see before. Three of them were all freakishly tall, and he couldn't make out their faces. One of them was wearing a long jacket, he could hear things clinking together as it walked towards him. Another was wearing a leather jacket, like him, only this one had no décor & he could see the bottom of knives dangling from the bottom of the jacket, as well as two swords sticking out from behind it. Under the jacket she appeared to be wearing a long black dress. The final one was wearing no shirt, only this thing that crossed its chest in both directions, various liquids swishing around inside bottles hanging from it. The other two looked like they were big fans of halloween.

One was wearing a bright orange suit, the lining of which had orange & black candy canes dangling down, going all the way down until the buttons met, as well as a plethora of rings, bracelets, & necklaces, all of which followed the same halloween theme, such as jackolantern & skull rings, spider & bat necklaces, & pumpkin bracelets. On his side, he could see an orange & black halloween-esc revolver. What did he need that for? Dexter thought to himself. The girl next to him had a similar outfit, though she was wearing a dress that had the same orange and black candy canes handing from the bottom & no weapon he could see. She had the same colored hair, though her hair was pulled into a high bun on top of her head, while his hair was just his short hair & curls growing in about 2-3 inches tall.

"Hey, its okay- its okay calm down," The fairy lady said to him as the group approached. Was it that obvious he was panicking? She placed a hand on his forehead. "He's burning up" She said to the group. She grabbed something out of one of the pockets on her dress & said to him "This will hurt a little" before injecting something into his neck. A little was an understatement, Dexter shot up & screamed, his neck burned as he felt burning liquid flow through his entire being. After a few second though, he felt... Normal. She then went over to Paxton & did the same. It took a bit longer for him to react, but he did the same.

Dexter jumped off the table & tried to run - well, limp out of the room, before that weird monster grabbed him, saying "Calm down, calm down" in a gentle tone. Dexter fought still, but the fairy lady was done injecting people & proceeded to walk over & pull him into a hug. He felt calm wash over him as she held him tightly, letting go after a few seconds. Weird.

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