Chapter 3

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Nicholas breathed deeply as Milo now slept in the medical wing of the Temple.

Trekk's gloves have been removed from his wrists by Su-han, and he wants Milo to stay here for a few days to make sure everything is fine.

Nicholas can't stop Milo's screams from echoing in his head 'Maybe a break from Trekk can help him.' He thought sadly.

Nino was sleeping on his lap, he was too scared to be by himself anymore, scared that something could happen while he wasn't ready.

Nicholas decided to go to sleep after a while of staring at Nino and Milo, thinking he'll wake up before either of them.

Yawning, He closed his eyes and fell into a sleep slumber.

It was a few hours after Nicholas fell asleep that Milo woke up, he realised he was laying down in the medical area of the Temple and Nino and Nicholas were asleep in the chairs next to him.

Milo quietly groaned, Bringing a hand to his aching head, he shook his head and slowly sat up.

"Milo?" Nino's tired voice quietly rang through the room, Nicholas breathed deeply and shifted into another sleeping position.

Milo smiled tiredly and tilted his head towards Nino who was blinking adorably at him.

"Hi, Nino, what is going on?" He asked, sounding more nervous than he should have felt after living at the Temple for 5 years.

"Yous had a attack by Trekk." Nino whispered and slowly slid himself away from Nicholas and heaved himself up on Milo's bed to lay down by him.

"Aww. Hows your brother?" Milo asked and Nino stared.

"He's fone." Nino replied.

"Oh he's fone? Is he?" Milo chuckled and wrapped an arm around Nino and gently pulled him closer.

Nino snuggled against Milo's side.

"So what are you and Nick gonna do? Against Trekk?"

Milo stiffend, "How did you?"

"Trekk told me." Nino sniffed and snuggled closer to Milo's side.

"Uh, We don't know. Uh what did Trekk say?" Milo asked slowly.

"He said that I better be ready. Because he's going to take me out then everyone else. And he'll make you watch." Nino said slowly and whimpering at every word.

"Hey," Milo smiled "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you or Nickie."

Nino sniffled and stared at Milo with large pools of orange.

"Milo, will you be okay?" Nino asked.

Milo smiled, "Of course I will be. Your brother is way too stubborn to let anything happen to me."

Nino laughed quietly and shifted on top of Milo's chest, making Milo smile again, despite the worry in his stomach.

Slowly, Milo's eyes closed and he slowly fell back asleep, hearing Nino's soft snores.

Nicholas sighed and shifted, slowly opening his eyes.
What he saw was eye taking in cuteness.

Nino was sleeping on top of an unconscious Milo and Milo had one arm wrapped around Nino with his spare hand on top of Nino's head, ruffling Nino's head as he shifted.

"Aww." Nicholas quietly said and heard the doors open.

"Grand master." Nicholas said, politely as he saw a grumpy looking Su-han.

"Griffon." Su-han replied "How is Grimm?"

Nicholas glanced back at Milo's pale face, "He's been better. Hasn't woken up yet."

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