Your My Boyfriend

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𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕: A while after school said We need to talk about something important. So, we talked about it at his place about if we should date or not. So, if we are going to be making out, we have to date because I don't Want to use you. Yes, I want to be your Boyfriend Renjunnn!!!!! I screamed. We then later went to bed.


We had told the whole group about us dating but I don't want anyone else to know about this ......Yet. Me and Renjun ran to the bathroom and made sure it was locked. We then started making out. The softness of his lips made me want more it was just addictive. After a while we were going to be late to class. So, we grabbed our stuff and went on our way I gave him a small kiss before I left but that's when things became horrible you see, Ryujin one of the cheerleaders was going to Go get water (Which is right next to our bathroom) So, she saw me kiss him on the lips and I guess she told Yeji the Captain. And I think she got way to mad Umm Renjun you can say everything about what happened.

 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕: I was walking to class when Yeji, the Cheerleaders Captain, kicked me and then Punched me. Ryujin made my back hurt another member watched from afar, Yeji the began to hit me over and over again to the point of me bleeding and having a black eye.  Luckly BangChan had to cross the area so when he saw me and the others, he ran quickly to me. He told all the girls to stop. He gave me some water after calling them bitches, but Luckly I didn't see Yuna she went to prison 2 times this year for beating someone the death. Lia wasn't bad but she's done some things to me that scared me. Lily Came running to me too she was the friend I somewhat had a Crush on. We've kissed Sometimes and I want to do that again. You are all awful people she said. We went to the nurse to get help. She cleaned me up a little, but I can't stop thing about Lily I'm literally dating her cousin. 

 A/N:New world Coming (E-8972 LilJun)

𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕: We made sure everyone got in trouble (But Chaeryeong) I was Going to Lily's house today for the weekend, so I asked if Renjun could go. She said OK but my parents have to know were dating. So I came out to my Mom and dad as Bisexual They didn't Like it So, I moved In with Renjun. I still went to say at Lilys who had her own house because of her being Bisexual and I didn't tell you about her Girlfriend, Chearyeong from that Cheerleader team she didn't mess with Renjun because she knew he was Lily's Best Friend. We drank, ate talked and went to bed.

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