-a morning prank-

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It was 7am, and I was peacefully sleeping in my bed. The sky was still dark and the streets were desolate- the only sounds being the quiet songs of nature from the park- it was October after all, and nothing much happened this early in the morning in this dreary month. I woke to the noise of two giggly young men tip-toeing (quite loudly, to be honest) into my apartment. I kept my eyes shut and a small smile appeared on my lips. Of course, who else would it be other than my two best friends, Sam and Colby, ready to wake me up with a morning prank.

I could by their loud whispers that they were filming another video for YouTube. I kept up the pretence of my slumber, so they could have their little vlog segment of 'making y/n question why she is even friends with us', as they inched around my room. I heard a thud, and a smack, and annoyed Sam scolding Colby for his clumsiness. I bit my lip and tried not to laugh. What an idiot.

I heard the distant trickle of water through my bathroom tap, and grimaced. This was not one of my favourite ways to be woken up on a Thursday morning. I debated just getting up and forgetting about the prank, but when I heard the childish giggles of my two best friends as they filled up the cup, I decided to just let them have it. My torso and arms were outside of the duvet, so I knew I was about to get drenched. I held my breath as I heard Sam and Colby creep over to my bedside, whispering 'Be prepared guys! She may try to attack us!' I hoped my 'sleeping' face wasn't too unattractive.

All of a sudden, I felt a cold splash of water all over my face and chest. Damn, I would have thought they'd give a bit more warning- maybe a countdown or something? I gasped as I felt the water run down my face and arms, and opened my eyes to my two friends grinning like the Cheshire cat, with Colby pointing a camera directly at my face. They started laughing as I scowled up at them, not even speaking. I decided that I might as well make better content for their video, so I hopped out of bed and started chasing Sam around the room, attempting to hug him and get him wet too. Sam's shrieks echoed throughout the apartment, whilst Colby laughed manically.

I turned to Colby with an evil grin.

'So you think you're safe or something?' I asked, slowly walking towards him. Amused panic flitted across his face as he yelled, running out into the lounge area of the apartment, camera pointed at his face. I chased him around the room, yelling for him to give in, smiling and laughing the whole time. I managed to corner him next to my couch, and jumped at him, attacking him with a hug and trying- and failing- to get his clothes wet. The camera was left forgotten on the couch. What I didn't realise was that Sam had recorded the whole ordeal on his phone, so the video did end up getting the entertaining prank segment after all.

Colby joyfully pushed me away from him, his hand gripping my arm for a slight moment. My arm felt static. It was like I had experienced a small electric shock, it tingled, and for some reason, my stomach filled with butterflies. Did Colby just shock me? Did he feel that too? It didn't look like it, because he didn't react in any way. What was that? Was that just me? Why did I feel like that? 1000 thoughts began to fill my head, but I pushed them aside. Colby was my best friend, and I wasn't going some stupid electricity change that in any way.

Sam cleared his throat and Colby released my arm. He sat down on my large comfortable couch. Sam sat down next to him, and I shivered as I sat on Colby's other side. Sam placed the camera on the coffee table, ready to film for their video, and I quickly stood up to go and get a jumper. Colby dragged me back down to the couch.

'I'm just going to get a jumper' I said, smiling. 'I'll be back in a sec'.

'Just take mine' he grinned, cheekily.

I mean, come on, how could I say no to that smile? He pulled off his black XPLR hoodie and handed it to me. I put it on over my damp t-shirt and grinned. It was way too big. Sam was busy setting up the camera, so he didn't make a joke about us 'flirting' like he normally would.

It wasn't flirting- it was just good friends being good friends, right?

10 minutes passed, and the boys were busy filming. I was there of course, but I was tired, and not saying much. I cracked the odd sarcastic joke, and daydreamed. The fans loved me, I always tried to make light of situations, but if I'm honest, that's easier said than done when you're in a basement of a haunted mansion, in the presence of a demonic entity. Another reason the fans loved me is because I provided great content for the videos. I had always been very sensitive to spirits and entities- not a medium or anything, just sensitive. The spirits loved to target me, and my name, more often than not, came up when we did the Estes method. This scared me, of course, but there wasn't really much I could do about it.

Sam and Colby finished messing around, and finally decided to tell me where we were going on our adventure today.

'So guys, this places we are going today is somewhere we've wanted to go for a long time, but only now have gotten around to it' Sam said, grinning excitedly at the camera.

'Oh my goshhh, just tell me already!' I groaned. They always dragged it on for so long. The boys laughed and looked at the camera.

'Ok so... today we are going to....' Sam said slowly.

'The conjuring house!' Sam and Colby both said in unison.

'Oh God...' I whispered quietly. The conjuring house? That's like, one of the most haunted places in the US. To say I was nervous was an understatement.

The two boys laughed at my obvious horror, and began to explain some of the history of the conjuring house. I already knew it all, being the horror movie nerd I am, so I just zoned out. I remembered I was wearing Colby's jumper and smiled. It smelled strong, like metal and musk and spice. It smelled good.

The boys stopped filming, and talked briefly about plans for the video.

'You're okay with this, right y/nk?' (y/nk= your nickname) Colby asked, looking at me.

'Yeah of course' I grinned. 'I've always wanted to go. I mean, I'm super nervous, but I kinda always am anyway.'

Sam smiled at me before punching my arm playfully.

'Well, Kat's coming along too, so you'll at least have someone to gossip with on the way there'.

I grinned. Kat was Sam's girlfriend, and one of my best friends. She was always so much fun, and I loved being around her.

'At least I won't have to be third wheeling' Sam said as he stood up, heading towards the kitchen. Colby chased him, hitting him and they laughed together.

He loved to make sly little jokes like this, that I never really understood. Weren't we all just friends with each other? I mean, of course they were both my best friends in the whole world, but I guess I did see them differently. I mean, I feel differently about my friendships with them. Sam is like a brother to me, and well, Colby is more confusing.

Colby makes me blush more. He gives me butterflies, and as I learned earlier, makes me feel sometimes as if I'm charged up with electricity. But, that doesn't mean anything, does it? I'm sure lots of people's friends make them feel that way. I'm just overthinking. There can't possibly be anything more, I mean, that would just mess things up, right?

Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't, but I don't want to sacrifice our years of friendship for something silly. His friendship is one of the things I value most in the world. I won't let a tiny bit of electricity take that away from me.

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