Chapter 11

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I sip on my coffee as I walk around, looking for the gym. 

"Snooping early in the morning?" Ryan sneered.

Rolling my eyes at his tone, I spoke softly, as if talking to a child "I don't need to snoop for information on you Ryan Jacobs, or your gang 'Devil's mercy' Ry. I know you're the leader, Sage is the hacker, Kade is the shooter and also knows basic medics like bullet wound and shit. I also know that you have over 2.000,000 people working for you, over the globe. There are about 50 guards outside, yet you let me go, choosing to follow me... but you got bored when I stopped for coffee. I also know that you are scared shitless of Force."

"The fuck Anastasia?  You are an underground fighter, how do you know about hacking and shit, your file shows that you do have an exceptional IQ but the facts say that you don't know shit about hacking." Ryan cocked his head as if he could take a peek at the real me if he tilted his head. Shitass.

"So, you did your homework? Glad to know that you can keep up. So, here's the deal," I wait for him to nod before continuing "I pissed of some people and I am on the run, you let me stay here and I won't go around blabbering your house location, the moment I am out of the house." I raised an eyebrow with a smirk on my face, I may look like an immature girl, but I am a bitch and a bitch knows how to get her way. 
"Only if you join the gang." Kade murmured as he entered the kitchen, not even trying to hide the fact that he was eavesdropping.

"Didn't you let Matt stay, coz he's on the run and shit like that? He joined the gang coz he had potential; you don't need an underground fighter to tarnish your image." I looked outside the window, where it had started to snow. "You know what? Make up your mind and let me know, I got some time on my hands." I got up and left the kitchen. I could see the first snowflakes of the season falling down like pieces into place in a puzzle. I went out the door and sat on the patio stairs, still staring at the flakes.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, trying to push me down the 10 flights of stairs. Before the guy could actually put force on me, I gripped his hand, pulled forward, using my shoulder as a support and hand as an anchor I threw him off of me and he would have gone flying, if he didn't catch my hand at the last second, pulling me down with him. 

I fell on top of Matt, snowflakes falling on us like a shower of signs. "You are a fucking asshole Matt, what were you thinking-" I was shut up when he pulled me down, his lips touching mine, briefly before he pulled away and kissed me like his life depended on it. Damn, he had soft lips. 

We pulled apart, our faces flushed, and lips swollen. He looked at me and grinned "Damn, who taught you to kiss like that?" 

"I want to say your dad, but it was actually one of my many conquests." I didn't bother to tell him, that conquest as in guys to murder, not guys to fuck. 

"Well... We should do this again, but Ryan was calling for you, that's why I came out actually." He got up and offered me his hand, which I took. 

"I know you want to know who I pissed off and why I am on the run..." I told him, looking at the patio in front of us. 

"I do, but I know better than anyone that it's not my business." He gave me a small smile and started walking but stopped and added before he turned around and went in "But, I hope you will confide in me one day, I plan to gain your trust quicker than the titanic sunk."


Update at last, I have been meaning to upload this chapter but was not satisfied with it, I am still not satisfied with it tbh, but decided to edit it later.

Anyways, hope everyone is doing alright. If anyone needs to vent about life or just need someone to listen or need a non-biased advice, you can message me :)

Until next time,


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