A New Beginning

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It was February 14, 2011. The day that Gillian Foster's life would never be the same again...
That morning, at 8AM, the phone rang on Gillian's desk. Nothing was obviously different, but the moment Gillian heard the call, she knew in her gut that something was about to occur.
"Gillian Foster speaking" she said, picking up the phone.
"Hi, Ms Foster. I'm Eleanor from Eastwood Adoption Agency, and I'm here to tell you some good news about the application you lodged last year."
Gillian's heart stopped momentarily. "That's great to hear, Eleanor," she said with feigned calmness. "Please continue."
"Our agency found you a little baby boy. He's three months old, his name is Noah, and he's ready to come home with you." Eleanor continued on the other side of the phone.
Gillian felt the excitement welling up inside of her. Her lifelong dream was about to come true. She would finally get to be a mother.
"Really? Thank you so much, Eleanor. I can get come him this afternoon." Gillian paused momentarily, her heart sinking as she thought back to last time. What happened with Sophie.
"But, as soon as I sign the adoption papers, he's mine? The birth mom- she can't take him back?" Gillian said with a concerned tone.
"He'll be all yours, for good, Miss Foster. Once the forms are signed, the birth mother cannot legally take him back." said Eleanor with a smile in her voice.
Tears of gratitude welled in Gillian's eyes. She would be a mother. "I'll come and get little Noah today, Eleanor. Again, I can't thank you enough." As Gillian hung up the phone, she felt pure joy course through her body. Being a mother was her lifelong dream, and now, finally, she would get to be one. Before going to the adoption agency to collect her little boy, Gillian knew the first person in the world she wanted to tell - Cal.

"Cal!" CAL!" exclaimed Gillian excitedly, rushing into his office. Cal looked up at his partner, slightly bewildered. She held up a pamphlet, with the words Eastwood Adoption Agency emblazoned on the front.
"I'm going to be a mom!" A look of amazement dawned on Cal's face. He immediately got up, and embraced his partner in a big hug.
"Jill, that's amazing news!" he said excitedly. "You're going to make such a good mother." Gillian cried tears of joy into his shirt, and he hugged her tighter. "Do you know anything about the kid yet?" he said with a chuckle, as they separated.
"Well, it's a little boy, his name is Noah, and he's three months." said Gillian with a soft smile, wiping her tears. "And, I get to bring him home today."
Cal's mouth eclipsed into a soft smile. "I'm so happy for you, love." Cal told her, giving Gillian a quick kiss on the cheek. She blushed and giggled in return. Cal paused momentarily, looking deep in thought.
"Let's both the rest of the day off, Foster. I'll help you buy those baby thingamabobs, or whatever they're called now." 
Gillian looked at him with surprise. "Cal, that's a lovely idea, but what about work?..." "Torres and Loker can handle it," interrupted Cal speedily.
"Come on, love, you know you want to." said Cal earnestly, looking into Gillian's large grey eyes. "I did all the baby shopping when Emily was born, her mother couldn't be bothered to take a single second off of work..."
"Cal" interrupted Gillian sternly. She immediately burst into a bright, laughing smile. "Of course I'll come!" she giggled.
Leaving the office with Cal's arm playfully linked in hers, Gillian knew that her life would never again be the same. She would finally have a baby. Even the thought of it seemed surreal, yet here she was, on the way to buy baby supplies with Cal Lightman. Gillian knew that this was a new beginning, but she knew wouldn't want it any other way.

Author's Note:
To whoever's reading this, hi! This is my first Lie to Me Fanfiction, and I really hope you like it. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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