Introduction to the LoS

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Hi, first thing that came to my mind, I might to backstories first few chapters, I don't really have a Main Oc so I'll make one later, now head cannon time

Jean Pierre/colored pencils


Hair is like multi colored pencil shavings

Calm, relaxed, only snaps if he is really really angry so if he snaps, you know your In trouble



Kristy/Rubber band

MTF trans 🏳️‍⚧️

Hair tied up in long ponytail

Anger issues, constantly mad at the actors for not putting enough expression or speaking loudly enough, if she is not yelling then she is probably writing a script



Aliza/Hole Punch



only class she will listen to is anything about Ancient Greek or greek mythology, loves to break dance, if headphones are dead, she will blast her music and annoy everyone

Has greek ancestors

Lezbo (like me!)

Jan(I want to say chad)/Tape


Long blond hair but more see through at the bottom (also covers his eyes)

Nice, hardly talks (which is why his grammar is so bad), usually alone and if he's not then scissors is there

Little British (bo'le o wa'er)

Gay all the way



Short brown-blond hair

Talkative, nice, childlike, always happy, takes a lot to make him sad (yes, I am using the original version of scissors before PMtOK was English dubbed) speaks fluent Japanese

Japanese ancestors


I might add drawings next chapter, either that or backstories

Paper Mario bullcrap that I think of at 12 amWhere stories live. Discover now