Who doesn't like Coffee?

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"Hello ma'am,what would you like to have?"
"An Iced Latte"
"Alright, 10 mins ma'am"
I said with a smile and bowed to her.
She just nodded and sat down at the table close to the window.


HI! I'm Alex, a coffee Barista working at this famous coffee cafe of the city, to be honest I don't really like working here. Why? Because I don't like coffee I know it's wierd but I have some kind of allergy to the smell of the coffee powder.
But, i don't have any other option. I got no money but bills to pay and the people here are really nice even the manager of this place this is why I stayed even after what happened 2 months ago, you wanna know what happened?


"Hey man, I missed my morning coffee. Give me a strong double shot cappuccino"

"Sure sir, 5 mins" I bowed with a smile and carried his order to the kitchen, since they know about my problem there is another person for the kitchen stuff, I do the financial work only.
But unfortunately today John
(the person for kitchen stuff) was on a day off and the substitute was gone for lunch. The universe was upset with me I guess.
I sighed and proceeded to the kitchen and decided to make coffee thinking how bad it could be.
But it was hella bad.

As soon as I opened the coffee powder can and the smell reached my nose.

I started sneezing, UNCONTROLLABLY.

Sneeze after sneeze i could feel my ears and nose were red by now. Tears started to form on the brim of my eyes threatening to fall.
My head started hurting.
The manager came running to the kitchen hearing my uncontrollable sneezes.

"What is happening Alex?"

"Nothing just...*sneeze*.....tried to...*sneeze*.....make coffee and...this happened.*sneeze*.

"What? Why? Where's John and Max?"

"John's on leave and *sneeze* Max has gone for lunch*sneeze*."

"You could have asked me to do it"

"But sir-"

"It was just coffee dude"

"Now get out, wash your face and drink some water"


"I said go!"

I mumbled a small 'ok' and went out.
Digesting the fact that MY MANAGER was working in the kitchen making coffee, never in my life I had imagined to witness this scene, but here I was!

After a few minutes.

"Here is your coffee sir, have a nice day!"

"Thanks man, you too!"

The customer said and went away with the coffee made by my MANAGER.

As the man went away, my manager looked at me more like glared.


"Don't ever repeat that again"



He left, but i heard him mumble something under his breath.
"Who the hell doesn't likes Coffee?"

"I don't" I wispered and got back to my work.

End of flashback.

Not gonna lie that was the most horrible day of my life. I sighed.

"Is it done?" That girl from earlier asked. Shoot I almost forgot about it.

"Ah yes yes just give me two mins ma'am"


I went in the kitchen and asked about her order it was ready since past 5 mins.shit

" Here is your order and bill, have a nice day ma'am" I smiled and bowed to her.

"Thanku so much but I'm not really having a nice day"

"Is something wrong ma'am , if I may ask?"

"I lost a bet against my best friend, and she told me to buy an Iced latte for her when she cleary knows I cannot tolerate the smell of coffee, anyways bye and thanks again.

She left.

Did I just find my soulmate?


The end.

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