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after i am done writing i place the note on the desk and climb over it

i touch the thing on the wall

'a key, nice!'

i climb back over the desk and try to find a door

then eventualy i find one labled "000001"

weird name but whatever

i unlock the door and walk through it

i go though a few more doors un till i see the lights flicker

my first instink is to hide NOW!

i run around and go inside a random closet

as soon as i do i see a splash of darkness and a dark black

figure with an open smile fly by

i stay in the closet petrifyed

standing there

in the dark


afraid 'it' will come back

i stand there for a few minuets beffore seeing red and black

with the words "Get Out"

i quietly say "No!"

a few secs later i get pushed out with a scrape on my knee


i scream to the closet

no response

i grab my bag and search for bandaids and polysporn


i say to myself finding the stuff and aplying it to my wound

my mom taught me how to do this

i was always pushed around at school



all that stuff

i get up and continue walking through doors finding gold or coins i don't know what they are, but i think they mean something

i keep walking till i walk into door "000022"

there are eyes on the walls




looking into my soul i flip them off and keep walking

i walk into the next room with more eyes on the walls

yet more angered then last time

i just keep walking un till i come to a long ass hallway

no eyes

"awh damn i kinda miss them , now i am alone again"

i walk to the door but beffore i even open it i hear something behind me i turn my

head to see a black figure with one eye like the eyes i just saw on the walls

i start running as it chased me

i go though things under things over ect

untill i get to a split hallway

i look left then right

but i was to late

i turn around and see it over me then

i fall to the ground the last thing i hear is foot steps


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