Chapter-2 Events Succeeding

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"Hello sweetie." Rosa was well known for being a very kind and hospitable woman. She earned the nickname 'candy' for how sweet and caring she was.

"Huh? Oh, hello Ms. Hubermann. Pleasure meeting you." She said, breaking out of her trance.

"Oh please, just call me aunty. What brings you here?"

"Well, there is this event the neighborhood is hosting and I was tasked with handing out the invitations."

"Oh how nice of you. Of course, we will come, and bring anything necessary." She offered

"I don't think that will be required of you aunty. Everything has been sorted out."

Rosa smiled, "Don't you have more places to go to?"

"Oh no it's fine. This was my last stop actually."

"Sure. Hansie, make sure she gets home safely."

"Yes mom." Hans said.

He followed Denise out of the house. "You know. That was quite a trivial matter. You could've just told me and I would have relayed the message."

"W-well. I wanted to tell your mother directly. Yeah that's why." Denise tried to make up a lie. Unfortunately, Hans noticed.

"You're lying aren't you?" He said with a smug look.

Denise's heart skipped a beat when she saw his face, "Okay fine. You caught me. I just wanted to stay over a little longer."

"Next time. Don't hesitate to say so directly." Hans said with a smile.

By this time, they were in front of Denise's house.

"Will I see you again tomorrow?" Denise said, expecting the affirmative.

"Yeah, sure I guess." Hans said, sounding a little confused, What does she mean by that? Will I not see her at school tomorrow?, he thought.

"Thank you for your time..." She trailed off. Why the hell don't I know his name?, she internally screamed.

"Oh right. I'm so sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Hans."

"Denise." she said and entered her house.

Jack mentally high-fived himself. Not only did he manage to talk to a woman, said 'woman' was not repulsed by him. He was happy and could not be happier.

The next day

"Yo dude. The fuck is going on?" Luca greeted Hans at the school gates where he met him.

"Nothing much G. How are you doing?"

"Fine I guess. Hey listen, there is this girl in my class. And she is hot. Like really REALLY hot." Luca said. If someone else were to hear that line, they would have come to the conclusion that he was a rapper.

"Yeah yeah, get to the point buddy." Hans said, somewhat irritated.

"Okay okay, chill holmes. She seems to like me as well." Luca said grinning.

"What makes you say so?"

"She saw me 'accidentally' looking at her. She smiled at me. SHE SMILED AT ME BRO!" Luca screamed.

"Calm the fuck down. Take it slow. There is no guarantee she likes you." Hans knew women better than his friends.

"But she smiled at me."

"Anyone would, jackass. Now take it slow unless you wanna be seen as a creep."

Luca's enthusiasm was curbed. He reluctantly walked to class. Al was waiting for them.

"Sup dude. How's life? Mine sucks ass cheeks"

"Figured." Hans said with a smug grin

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Anyways the new project I uploaded online was a success."

"No fucking way." Luca exclaimed, "Really?"

"Yes really. Mate, you need to lower your volume, I swear to god."

"Sorry ese. I get very excited, you know. So what do you plan to do next?"

"I'll upload more stuff." Hans said in a 'no shit Sherlock' voice.

"Congrats bro." Al said when he got the chance.

The 'project' they are talking about is a segment of a story that Hans had written on a piece of paper. After his friends read it, they suggested Hans upload it online where other people would see it. Luca introduced him to a website where he could write his own stories. But it also contained stories written by other people.

That's how he got into the habit of regularly writing online. He would update his story every two weeks. As of now, he had amassed a small following.

Denise caught his eye.

"Hey Denise. How are you doing?"

"Hey Hans. I'm doing just fine. What about you? What's your first class?" she said, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing.

"Oh, it's social studies. I dislike it. Boring and a dry subject all throughout. History is the worst though."

Denise wasn't particularly fond of history either. "Yeah, I don't like it either. Why bother memorizing dates for no reason."

"Oh there is a reason. The teachers need to torture you after all."

Denise laughed, "Oh. By the way, my first class is social studies too. Do you..."

"Do I? What?"

"Do you want to sit next to me?" She managed to say it. Please please please don't reject please.

After internally repeating please 15 more times, Hans responded.

"Sure. Come on."

Denise let out a sigh of relief. She liked Hans for how he behaved around her.

Denise's background

She was pretty ever since she was born. Therefore, boys would only approach her in the hopes of asking her out. She hated these people who were shallow enough to choose their partners based solely on looks. They never attempted to get to know her. To them, she was a trophy, useful for only showing off.

Luckily, she never gave in to any of those kinds of people.

During class, Hans was focusing and writing down notes. Denise was chewing her pencil while subtly staring at him. Al and Luca were sitting in two separate corners and were doing their own thing, not disturbing anybody else.

Fact about Hans

He was a studious student and frequently got straight A's. His opinion of a subject did not matter in this context.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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